Eternity_River so something was accidentally given to you, but you are too honest to take what is not yours? How foolish. Just yesterday i went to Mcronalds and ordered 2 sundaes, and they accidentally gave me an extra one. Did i do the right thing afterwards? Yes... yes i did. i swiped it like a masked fox bandit and bragged to my friends that i seduced the cashier to get the extra sundae. THAT is right thing to do. Learn to become shameless my dear youngling. That way you can be a successful voyager in this dark world, and trek among the stars.

Honestly it probably wont be fixed. Not enough mods or devs to worry about something that can be considered a small 'inconvenience'. That badge may be there for awhile😊

Your the only one that can see it... just pretend it's saying you are the author of the comment.

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