Ooh. So crowded already!
Here's one more novel: Mine :)
The Expandables - A Post-Apocalypse Cyberpunk Adventure

The Expandables - A Post-Apocalypse Cyberpunk Adventure
The year is 2257. The Final War had rendered most of the Earth's surface uninhabitable. Twisted by chemical, biological and nuclear attacks, horrifying monstrosities now roam the land.
Enter Arcology-1, humanity's last sanctuary. Sheltering nearly 100 million people, the megacity is the bastion of civilization, a testament to the ingenuity and persistence of mankind.
Arcology-1 is governed by Noah, an Artificial Intelligence construct. Each citizen is assigned roles from farming to developing alternative fuels. They can expand their physical and mental capabilities, taking advantage of countless technological advancement from muscle mass injection, cybernetic augmentation to knowledge transmission. For the last 70 years, Noah has been coordinating the human efforts to maintain and expand the megacity.
Seventeen-year-old Riley Romero wants little more than to be able to live out his life in peace. Well, as peaceful as possible. However, when his family's safety is threatened, Riley will be drawn into a century-old plot that will expose Arcology-1's true nature and determine its fate.