HeWhoReadsBooks Ohh...So you are like me, eh? Then why not you start an original yourself? Believe me, it's very addicting to write novels. Once you start, with all the nagging in comments and some reviews can keep you going.
Yeah, try it! There are not many "Evil Protag" originals, you should totally try it.
Write 5 chapters or something and see the response.

EDIT - Fanfics are a rage right now, you can use that bandwagon or try your original idea which I'm sure you must be thinking about for a little while.

    I wrote several and posted them on numerous sites. Some gain great feedback, others are, 'meh.'
    But they all have one this in common; None are completed.
    Srz, my imagination just runs dry and I'm far too lazy to be that committed. Instead, I would just take things as they go. In fact, most of my inspiration just hits me any time of the day, and I just jot it down as a memo.
    Plus, I shall be committed to my user name; He Who Reads Books :3

    I have not seen that many fanfictions.
    I have not known this was the time of year people were crazy about them. ;-;
    Am I that old that the times have left me in the dust? 😭
    Anyway, most fanfictions that I manage to find have mcs that go, "Ahhh, I wanna meet xxxx and hug this golden thigh!" or go, "Fck, fck, fck. God why you do this!? Atleast give me a golden finger."
    Then there are those that go, "I want to settle my op a
    se down and live a normal life" and then there are the, "I will break everything!" Type of fanfics.
    So my luck is sh*tty. ;-;

      HeWhoReadsBooks You can find communities on fanfiction about good evil mc fics. Like Harry in Azkaban or Ichigo becoming Vasto Lorde and ruling hueco mundo, etc. Also do tell me some of your fics, My interest is piqued knowing that our taste in novels is the same.
      I too have sucked dry novelupdates a while back and now even rrl cannot satisfy my thirst.
      I would've resumed my novel but can't with a cannula in my hand.

      Also, If you can spare like $5-$10 then you can also find some good ones on amazon. People at goodreads can give recommendations about that. But yeah, Most of what I'm reading now is MTLs so if you can digest that then there is a bunch of such books which do justice to this genre....but yeah, they are not everyone's cup of tea since it's MTL.

        Nope. It can be anything. Literally anything. :D

        Thank you for the recommendation!

        Well, srz but then I'll have to let you down. I'll read literally anything if I have the time, as long as they have no harem, of course, I got sick of those a long time ago.
        Really, if I have the time and a novel piques my interest, I'll go through any and all meassures to be able to read it, unless, of course,the author decided to just move on, then I'll have to move on...
        So summary of my online reading;
        Me: Oh, this book looks cool
        *searches for fanfic online
        Me: Ahahahaha.
        Β€Sees the date when it was last updated
        Me: Fuck it, next book.
        My funds are controlled by a tyrannical sister ;-;
        Yeah. I went through a lot of rrl fics and original stories a few.. months ago, I think (?)
        I'm just waiting for them to be updated.

        -Further edit-
        MTL must die. It gives me hope to read the chapters of untranslated books only to let me down when I can't understand anything ;-;

        Thanks. Imma read it if I can finish the other 8 tabs of books I have open ;-;

        ? (!)
        The picture has changed (!) 😲

        And finally~ This sort of mini-recommendation forum is alive! πŸ˜†
        And it's dead again 😒😣😭

          13 days later

          The thread is alive! (!)
          *throws confetti πŸŽ‰πŸŽŠ
          Thanks for the recommendation, btw.

          And the thread is dead again 😁

          Just realized it was on fanfic.net
          Welp, Imma have fun with this author. AdiΓ³s Qidian, till we meet again ;D

            This is why I gave up on (most) translators and decided to join the dark side (mtls). I understand nothing though, and just read the chapters concerning Leylin, his descendants, and all other unexplained things in the first series. ;-;

            You fucking troll.
            You gave me hope, and when I actually liked his/her (?) novel, it hasn't been updated in a few months.
            Monster! 😠😒

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