Fly with me
The 'or' game.
Resident Evil 7
play metal gear survive and complete it or play e.t the game and complete it
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metal gear survive, mainly because the trailer looks nice and it seem like my kind of game xD
Would you rather....
Be very smart but have a very high percentage rate of going dumb(something like that, it's like when your brain can't keep up)
Be below average but every year you can learn something new instantly (random things, you don't get to choose. Won't repeat on things you learned)
I would rather be average and learn something new every so often, because my brain can not take it when i have too much info.
Would you rather:
1) we live and die. No afterlife nothing just dust?
2) Immortal- we reach a certain age and live forever.
3) reincarnate - when we die we swap lives with someone else in another time and still have our memories.
reincarnate (can you reincarnate forever or only once, if not then immortal)
drink a cup of Clorox or eat 2 tide pot
Average with faithful fairly beautiful lover or Being hot with cheating hot BOY/GIRLfriend ?
of course Average with faithful fairly beautiful love
die choking on food or die by drinking water
Mr_Kai you didn't answer my "or" question
Unorthodox_Deity die by drinking water...die by choking on food sounds nasty.
Mr_Kai common just choose one
Unorthodox_Deity the first one i guess...
choose either the:
red pill or the blue pill
Blue pill
Have s3x with the hottest girl/guy or have s3x with the person you love.
OldBlindOwl have s3x with the person i love
be rich but die early or be poor but live really long
be poor but live really long
friendship or lover?
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anaadmx lover
r@pe or be r@pe (lol)