Hi Qidian(Tho I don't even know if you guys will even be reading this thread. LOL).

There are a bunch of nonsensical "Original" novels with gibberish (Literally just dumps of alphabets the whole novel), copyrighted CN novels people plagiarized as "Original", and also those that deleted their chapters/dropped them.
By clearing I mean deleting the whole novel with the title altogether.

I suppose Original novels, sure.
But I don't support people who misuse it and drop them after they realized they won't get anything or just drop because they lose interest in it.

I don't think I'm the only one thinking about it yes?
The search is annoying because nonsensical novels pops out during the search and you'd think it's a novel to read but alas, deleted/gibberish/plagiarized (so it has been taken down but title is still around)

I end my case.

    ChocoLatte But I don't support people who misuse it and drop them after they realized they won't get anything or just drop because they lose interest in it.

    I agree with everything you said except for this part. If the author doesn't earn any money from a novel, he/she can drop it whenever he/she wants, for whatever reason. It's free, what do you expect?

      GreasyBeer it's fine if they drop because they don't see them earning anything from it. Sure.
      Just because it's free doesn't mean that QiDian should leave it as is.
      This is not Wattpad, this is official QiDian. I don't approve of writing and dropping as and when just because they find that they aren't earning any.
      If that's the case I'd rather they delete the WHOLE novel altogether.

        ChocoLatte The same thing happened in Qidian competitor aka Wattpad or RoyalRoad. What is strange? Dropped novels and deleted to Amazon.

        Those empty novels would add novel count which is good for reporting to the boss. Why should WN delete them? Boss is the most important person.

        Imagine: "We have 20.000 original novels." that would be better than "We have 1.000 original novels."

        Author makes words filler to charge more SS. This is the same.

          ChocoLatte We all have some things we dont agree with but what can we do. It is Qidians choice whether to approve it or not. Qidian is also well known for not giving face to anyone.

            Is that a language written in English? Never ending chapter, Even if he/she wants to waste time it's too much to use space,...

              Wow guys I just found a fraudulent novel. It's kinda stupid and genius at the same time.
              The content is crap, some unedited first chapters riddled with mistakes. It's an advertisement for a book on Amazon.
              Look at the reviews. All reviewers gave it 5 stars. They all have Indian-sounding names with numbers, share the same grammatical style. The likes though... They have a gradual decline, as if smb loggid into an alt, wrote a review and then liked every previously existing review.
              I guess Webnovel allows this too?
              I flagged it but who knows if they even care.

                ChocoLatte they wont do any of those things. Reason being is what MasterRabbink said, as well discouraging new authors who COULD be good. Add new rules and guidlines to make an original novel and suddenly not so many people are going to write. The beauty of original novels is its ease in actually starting. Making it harder to start a novel could push away beginning authors.

                I will say adding a feature where original novel searches will pull up novels with the most views or chapters or both to cut down on the junk would be nice, But thats all i would do.

                Edit. Not sure why it replied to you mister rabbink, was meant to just mention you. Not gonna change it though cause it will just send you another notification😊

                I also wish that they would remove the novels that are blatantly stolen work. They promote protecting authors' original work while also having users, like beautyvang, who blatantly steal other translator's hard work. I've reported it and no action so far, meanwhile, this person keeps on posting and racking views. The other translator's don't even charge anything and it is free so please support them in their original site.

                  Ugh... I suppose this is just a whine from me since I doubt Qidian will delete nonsensical novels then. S:
                  There's been influx of them recently so it's annoying.
                  Luckily they split Original & Qidian novels from both the app & browser. If not there'll be hell. >.>
                  Touch wood, I'm not cursing that to happen.


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