If anyone is interested in a teen romance then you can check out mine.

Living a simple and normal life was my dream. I didn't want anything excessive but when I saw him for the first time. I didn't know I would become greedy for him.

That summer we were burning for each other. I only desired him and I was his only relief. He awakened my every sense. But, the time was our enemy and it was slipping like sand from our hands. We became more desperate. Finally, time did it's work and our temporary relationship( I didn't even know if we were in a relationship or not.) was going to end.

The summer ended and he went away leaving no trace behind. I was weak not to accept my feelings for him then. But, in future will I be strong enough to be a little more greedy and ask for more? But there was a big question before that............
Will I ever meet him again?

" I am hearing you
Under the sunlight
We are drinking dew
While watching a sight
On the beach let's take a while
Let's talk a walk and look at sky
Reaching a new high
In summer days............................"

    Sure, I would love to. My book is also participated in the Dec wpc, but it hasn’t been vetted yet. Just added your book to my library, will review it soon

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