Emperor of the cosmic s hasn’t been updated for a while, and would make a good addition to this app..Pick this one soon pretty please,
Thanks everyone that helps make this story become a member of qidian
Pick up Emperor of the cosmos
Oops autocorrect
Emperor of the cosmos
Emperor of the cosmos is not a Qidian novel. It is a Zongheng novel.
Sorry about that anyone that’s reading this.
Help a Canadian out with this, and get this novel out as fast as possible......................you can be part of team worldwide as long as you enjoy the novels Qidian team puts out...
Team worldwide
Branch Team North America
Elites of Canada
What about you guys reading this
Love to know and thanks for putting up with this wild nonsense
iamgodslayer10 What difference does that make, still enjoyable peice of Chinese literature and deserved to be shared.
Plus is was of xianxia world with god of slaughter, realms of firmament and a few other novels so why can’t this one be pick up also.
because you are on the website of Qidian...
imagine yourself going to McDonals and asking for a Whopper, what reactions would you get?
Billdoor You never had a whopper at McDonald’s before it’s pretty easy, Just bring it there and and eat it there, it’s not like they will kick out out....Same could apply here with som luck
Billdoor And if a whopper was on McDonald’s menu, would people buy it, of course or else it wouldn’t be on the menu..
If emperor of the cosmos was on here would people read it, I do not know for sure but a guarantee that some will read it.
It’s advertising plus Zongheng could always get a percentage of the profits they make from advertisements they have when trying to read the newest chapter
Zerochemistry I think I read somewhere, that QI is negotiating with those publishers about some translations, but its way to early to ask for novels or even pickup requests. I think the moment the announce the first novel, you can open this thread again
I know this novel would not be pick up a soon as I mention it, hell it probably would not be at all, there is a lot of novels needed to be translated. Even more stories being made up at this moment. I just want them to know that I am an addict and want to know want the happening in the story. I need a ending. I can not have a story end about 1/10th of the way. It’s not called cliff hangers like that it basically jump off the cliff without a bungee cord and hope for the best
MIC MIC BUNGEE! (reference)
But yeah, I don't know if this novel will end up coming to this site, but I'll watch out for it...
Thanks for the suggestions though! :P