I still can't get my free SS on Catching up on the newest chapter....!!!
We have fixed all the bugs! Check the whole new beta Android version here!
How to open forum with the apps?
i have a s9 and when I'm using night mode the navigation bar stays the same and makes it hard to read.
chenfengs You would get exp not SS.
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I still cant rate the chapter. Is it only me??
Oh well, this Patriarch doesnt need some meager 10 exp anyway.. I'm already immortal with an infinite level.. Come to think of it my true infinity level isnt showing in the app or any browser, is that a bug?? Just kidding
Btw.. i would still like to report some bugs namely ants, leafhoppers, planthoppers, shield bugs, aphids, cicada, water striders...
Webnovel_Patriarch yeah sorry.. I'm not getting exp
The comic of Vicious Luck the sixth page of the first chapter doesn't load
Not sure about the app, but another glitch on mobile firefox browser I discovered.
1. Go to inbox.
2. If a user replies to your comment then it shows up with the book chapter underneath it. Tap the book chapter to open it. This will open all the comments for that chapter.
3. Above the user comments, the book chapter is listed again. Tap it to open the actual chapter.
4. It's hit or miss, but usually I can't scroll down at all after that. I can only scroll up to the top of older chapters. To fix it I need to refresh the page.
when I open the app it opens inkstomes, and when I click inkstones it opens my profile
Webnovel_Patriarch not only you...I have the same problem.....I can't rate the chapters through the app as well
What ever the bug please return the lastest chapter section
I think there is a glitch or bug cuz ever time there is a new chapter, it always appear a notice that said fail to connect please retry
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL That's great! This isn't really a bug but you know the likes people get for their comments, forums etc, could those likes actually take part in something....like, they could become into spirit stones or help you level up or something. This is just a suggestion!
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YANWOO And then people would create alt accounts just for likes and even asking for likes in every comment..
But how about a ranking for likes received. Also a ranking for SS..
Honestly though, i dont think they'll do it..
Webnovel_Patriarch Hmmm, that would be cool but as you said, they probably won't do it....I don't mind though!
Is it possible to get 0 from lucky draw?