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When New chapter comes and i push next Page in the previous one-New chapter opens at last page
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I have two accounts (F and C); I am using chrome and firefox browsers.
Account F on firefox, account C on chrome. (f account =firefox, c account = chrome)
Today I changed, account F to chrome and account C to firefox.
Everything is working fine except for forum.
I opened account C on firefox and when I try to open account C form, it was opening account F form. Likewise, I opened account F on Chrome and when I try to open account F's form, it was opening account C form.
it may work if I try to clear cookies/history but I don't want to erase it coz history is important to me.
To simply clarify, I open my account logins but the forum is opening with other account details. If I log out it says error can't log in.
DeadlyRaven Do it now. You had accounts that were not registered.
error, deadlyraven account opened drunkenshadow forum,
DrunkenShadow Forums will remain closed to new registrations for the time being.
error, account name= deadlyraven. when I am opening forum in this account, it was showing/opening other account Forum/Name; account name= DrunkenShadow.
not a new account, both are old accounts.
DrunkenShadow Because you need to log out of the forum account and log in with your DrunkenRaven account?
now everything is fine.
before when I logout from the forum, the page went blank ''error loading, can't access'' something like this.
''I forgot that msg''.
It's ok, now everything is fine, it's working perfectly, no error,,...
tnx 4r the rply, take care, Good Luck, Bye Bye.
Ancient godly monarch and true martial world in my library say I have new un-read chapters but I can't scroll down past yesterdays new chapters, which I've already read.
Installed 3.2.0. App crashes for me when I read novels
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me too, updated, uninstall, re-install,......the app but the option for Forum and open the main page on the app was gone.
the page is like this '' male lead, female lead, ,........... bottom top reviews.''
there are no additional options on the app.
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Nothing is fixed everything is broken.
Quidian c(g)reed
Same here. One second I'm reading a chapter, the next instant it gets locked.
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL I already have the webnovel app, andriod. It keeps on propting, works better in app..download app. Tried downloading too. Still keep getting the same message even when checking for novel updates or while reading