• Qidian Official
  • We have fixed all the bugs! Check the whole new beta Android version here!

MrSheta I am new at 'forum' function. I too am curious what happened to 'Is This Hunter For Real?'. The story was just getting interesting when it disappeared.

    I downloaded the update that was linked, but my previously unlocked chapters are still showing that they are locked.

      I don’t know how my unlocked chapter become locked. i hate it.

        WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL where is the "What's Next" and "Latest Updates"????
        It would've been easier if it was only "Genre" rather than the continuous swiping to find the genre that we would like to searchπŸ€”πŸ€”

          Pls return the font size, now the font size quite small after the update. Or maybe add two lvl font size increases for the font format settings

          WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL wait... is this what I'm really supposed to be seeing?
          links for the female lead section
          links for the male lead section
          still don't know how to post a screenshot, hope this will be fine...

            WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL why is there no info anymore (on some novels) as to who is the person or the team that was translating the novel?

              WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL I would suggest that you have a separate tab that would keep a list of the reviews written by us Daoists on our profiles. It's hard to keep track of identifying which novel has which review.

                MisMe That's what you see when your app is newly installed or after you clear your app's data. It's supposed to be recommendations for newly registered members but they show it to newly installed apps instead (which I find really weird by the way). You'll have to wait half a month (if I remember correctly) before it returns to normal.

                  There's a problem with my inbox. Whenever I reach a certain point after scrolling through my messages, it will suddenly make a huge jump from those recently received (mins/hrs ago) to those old messages (X days ago). Afterwards, whenever I revisit the inbox again, it will be permanently stuck to loading unless I close the app.

                  Also, the issue about the table of contents is still there. If you choose a different chapter in the table of contents, the new chapter would be shown but the table of content would still be stuck in the old chapter. No matter what chapter you choose from there, it would still be stuck to the old chapter. It only applies to the actual table of contents. The actual readable chapter is changed properly.

                    Nyaboron oh ok. Thanks. I hope that it does return to normal. 'Cause I really didn't like it.
                    Can I ask if you can still see the power rankings from the previous weeks? Thanks

                      @WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL In the updated app some of the sections have been removed in the rankings tab. In the old one, there was a chronological option for novels where you could see all the new novels which people have just released. In the new one, they have a 'NEW NOVELS' section but it's not in chronological order but in order of ranking. please, can you add the old version back because its hard for new writers to get viewers on the new version and I like reading new novels which people have just released.

                        WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL some bug left..
                        When I used search function and put some term.. Most of them viewed tensei shitanode oulji or shit..

                          WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL The webcomics are not updating the last chapter read from the web version and the app version. Please fix it soon. Thanks!

                            When New chapter comes and i push next Page in the previous one-New chapter opens at last page

                              RedKaizer That bug is fixed from 3.2.0 onwards, so either you install the version posted on the forums, or you just wait.

                                I have two accounts (F and C); I am using chrome and firefox browsers.
                                Account F on firefox, account C on chrome. (f account =firefox, c account = chrome)
                                Today I changed, account F to chrome and account C to firefox.
                                Everything is working fine except for forum.
                                I opened account C on firefox and when I try to open account C form, it was opening account F form. Likewise, I opened account F on Chrome and when I try to open account F's form, it was opening account C form.

                                it may work if I try to clear cookies/history but I don't want to erase it coz history is important to me.

                                To simply clarify, I open my account logins but the forum is opening with other account details. If I log out it says error can't log in.


                                  error, account name= deadlyraven. when I am opening forum in this account, it was showing/opening other account Forum/Name; account name= DrunkenShadow.

                                  not a new account, both are old accounts.

                                    now everything is fine.
                                    before when I logout from the forum, the page went blank ''error loading, can't access'' something like this.
                                    ''I forgot that msg''.
                                    It's ok, now everything is fine, it's working perfectly, no error,,...
                                    tnx 4r the rply, take care, Good Luck, Bye Bye.

                                      Ancient godly monarch and true martial world in my library say I have new un-read chapters but I can't scroll down past yesterdays new chapters, which I've already read.

                                        Nahemah Try swiping right to open the TOC, and manually select.

                                          Installed 3.2.0. App crashes for me when I read novels

                                            Narthor happened to me too.. Finally I uninstall it and install again from play store but no more path for forum.

                                              me too, updated, uninstall, re-install,......the app but the option for Forum and open the main page on the app was gone.

                                              the page is like this '' male lead, female lead, ,........... bottom top reviews.''
                                              there are no additional options on the app.

                                                Nothing is fixed everything is broken.
                                                Quidian c(g)reed

                                                  Same here. One second I'm reading a chapter, the next instant it gets locked.

                                                    WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL I already have the webnovel app, andriod. It keeps on propting, works better in app..download app. Tried downloading too. Still keep getting the same message even when checking for novel updates or while reading

                                                      1) Can't go directly to authors Page from the novel.
                                                      2) Authors note has no indication, who wrought them.
                                                      3) There is no "more" buttons in "discover" section- can't Open trending tab, or any other tabs for full list in the section.
                                                      4) When opening a novel I didn't read for a long time app crushes.
                                                      5) Sometimes app crushes just for the lulz.
                                                      6) Rewrought chapter in Ink, was editing grammarly and app just updates to the older version of the chapter, without closing the chapter, I was just watching the Page refresh and go back to previous version.

                                                      1) Can't go directly to authors Page from the novel.
                                                      2) Authors note has no indication, who wrought them.
                                                      3) There is no "more" buttons in "discover" section- can't Open trending tab, or any other tabs for full list in the section.
                                                      4) When opening a novel I didn't read for a long time app crushes.
                                                      5) Sometimes app crushes just for the lulz.
                                                      6) Rewrought chapter in Ink, was editing grammar and app just updates to the older version of the chapter, without closing the chapter, I was just watching the Page refresh and go back to previous version.

                                                        Web Novel Novel Ask