Ok, this is a Dumb Question, I already read SOME of the Forums TOS (https://forum.webnovel.com/d/52649-all-newbies-read-the-forum-rules/612), and I'm always wondering... Why are there so many Anime-type stories here, because I don't want to get chewed out for this but: I wrote a "Non-Anime" type story, and this isn't promoting, I'm sorry, but I know I may as well get chewed out for this, but why are there so many Anime-type stories here? And what if somebody deciedes to write a "Non-Anime" story, what will happen?
Why are there so many Anime-type Stories here?
CrimsonIndWorks555 why do you mean exactly by anime type stories?
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QW_JiHi I don't want to be mean but... Just look at the front page of the Initial Starting Webpage, Everything is completely Anime, there's anime Fan Ficts & Novels everywhere.
CrimsonIndWorks555 I see, But there's original stories in here, maybe try asking for recommendations from people here!
QW_JiHi So basically, I'm new to this site. Well, Kinda, because I abandoned my account for a Quatre of last Month until I signed in again to write my very own Horror Story, I released it as fan fiction instead of it's own Novel because of Copyright Issues with Mattel, and I've already read some of the TOS. I don't want to get chewed out for this but: I'm very scared of commiting Shameful Promotion by promoting my Horror Parody where it doesn't belong, because it already doesn't seem to be belong here, I won't share any more details, but the question is about why are there so many anime stories, and maybe, I may as well take your advice, you seem very experienced.
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CrimsonIndWorks555 first off all I wish you all luck with your story! I write too so I'm well aware of how difficult and challenging writing can be especially in like an app or a website, I have been writing stories since I was a teen on websites like Quotev and Wattpad (which btw are also filled with these anime type of stories), but about almost 2 years I came across webnovel and I also was shocked that just like the other websites, unless you're writing a fanfiction about some known show/Anime or even a fanfiction about a celebrity, your chances of smooth sailing as an online writer are slim to none.
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CrimsonIndWorks555 because my stories are somewhat original in the sense of I'm not writing a fanfiction at all, this is my work that I thought of all by myself, even if I used some cliches, and I add popular references and jokes, I'm still writing an original and because of that I felt like wherever I wrote a book, it wasn't its place and I mainly felt like that because of all the successful fanfictions I happened to come across.
Because of this I've abandoned so many books and left them unfinished through these past few years, but when I came here to webnovel and felt the same pressure all over again, I was lucky enough to have a friend of mine who reminded me why I'm writing in the first place, and that's because I love writing that's simple and for me I don't care anymore whether my book fits here or not, webnovel or any other site was originally made to write and read, if having a successful book means I can't write it however I want or I have to write the same type as others, I don't want that.
QW_JiHi It's fine mine, I'm happy you've got a friend by your side...