I started writing my first novel like almost a month ago but I have trouble with where the storyline should go, I need advice.
Need some inspiration for my novel
Here's the link to my novel
Help me out
after running for a block... The girl says while panting "that was kinda fun" he replies "yeah! truly magnificent " but we all know that statement is directed to the alluring scene in front of him... Her sweat soaked blouse sticking to her skin, emphasing her cushions of love fufufu
He will have serious trouble sleeping tonight... Hehehe he will need alot of cold water
Young_Christopher failure in persual but lead to his distined one instead?
It is supposed that before beginning to write one must already have an idea of how the story will be... although I sometimes write arcs that just occurred to me and I found them interesting.
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Young_Christopher Uh...
(1) If your inspiration has run out or you are not interested in the story anymore, consider putting this one on hiatus and working on something else. Maybe later you'll have new ideas for it.
(2) If you do want to write it:
- Google some free resources on how to write a novel, or search on this forum. There have been a few posts about the topic. See how different people approach writing. Get some background under your belt. Researching is boring, but it gives you ideas.
- Find inspiration. Read the news. Read fiction. Watch movies. Play games. Though don't waste too much time on those last ones :).
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I made this mistake in my 1st novel and dropped it after finishing the 1st volume. It was due to lack of proper planning in my case. I actually repeated this mistake briefly in my 2nd book in the beginning, but quickly resolved it. Make a proper outline. Plan arcs and volumes. I've been continuously improving the degree to which I do this, and my writing has become insanely easier as a result. My average time writing/editing a 2500 word chapter went down from 5 hours to 3 hours as a result. My outline is now up to 34 pages. I have at least a rough idea for 7 different volumes. I have those volumes ideas all typed out. I make sure to design some interesting events, arcs, characters, etc. before diving into those volumes. The best part is, I continually come up with ideas as I write earlier volumes. So my planning for future volumes is only improving over time. Also, I keep a list of what the next five to ten chapters will specifically focus on so I'm never stuck at the last minute.
Will for me i stop writing and i go out try to clear my mind and do something else like watching a movie.
This always work for me
Read the novel and here is my review to help you
The novel has no specific goal to achive other than MC gets with female
There was nothing that made any of the characters have personality or uniqueness
Even the novel summary is bare bones at best . What is the current situation like , what is going to change , why should we care ...? It's too vauge!
The story progression is also not smouth following a 'this happened and then this happened and then this' patern.There is a clear divide between each scene and while that makes it easy to read it also makes it difficult to like .
The time spent in every scene has to be meanigfull.
Try being more discriptive with who is who , why he does what , what he is thinking at a moment
If you want to draw attention to something have the characters' attention be caugt by it and discribe it in detail
If you want to write a fight scene , have more than just a punch thrown . A stare down with some trash talk is common practise because it works well to build tention
If the story is going to take a big turn after witch the avents of the story take place, have the MC reminisce about the simler times.
But the most important of all Have clear goals that your characters strive for .
Nobody wants to read about an anxty teen who deasn't know what to da with his life.Everyone wants to read about an anxty teen who is trying to figure out what to do with his life.
The sence of progress from moving closer or even further from the goal is what makes a story woth reading
In this novel the goal ( getting to know the girl) is achieved in the fist 2 chapters and therefore the story has ended for both you the writer (hence the unsertainty for what to do next ) and the reader
linqin77 its a good suggestion
i need more like it
FlyingFisher thank you for your suggestion