
  • Aug 16, 2024
  • Joined Jan 1, 2018
  • So there was that anouncement about the Super gene badge .
    Is it gonna be available for only a limited time , or as long as you unlock the required amount of chapters you can get it ?

    It doesn't specify anywhere I can see .
    You would think that that would mean there is no time limit , but webnovel sure likes their limited time badges .

    • Yeah I am 100% sure that webnovel isn't running a "massage" sidebusiness
      Nor that that they are involved with the "occult for money " BS that the other guy is promoting

      But at some point you have to wonder if there is even someone looking at what is being posted

      • I only just recently came back to this God forsaken forum .
        The self promoting , I can understand it .
        The begging for reviews . Standard stuff at this site.
        The people who are looking for that one novel they read 3 years ago but can't remember the title . No shame. I have been one of them too

        But GOD DAMN

        Span promoting in Kerean , covering the entire front page . Now that is something you don't expect to see

        Congratulations Webnovel !!
        You have reached a new low
        Maybe give youself a limited time exclusive badge , to remember this time

        • Look it up in your History
          Library --> history

          • Lot's of people , including me , have posted complaining about this .
            Unfortunately no answer has been given .
            There is curently no way to stop them

            • Dear Qidian Official ,
              In my Inbox , at the "messages" tab , I keep receiving notifications that someone has rewarded a book with items .
              It's totally random books . Books that I have had no interacion with .
              I don't know how to make them stop , since I have no idea how it started .

              It's annoing seeing that I have something in my indox only to find another one of these .
              And frankly I don't care if someone gave a gift to a book I don't read .

              If there is a way to dissable them , please give me instuctions

              I put this under PC bugs because that's what I use .

            • Also I want to point out that I am not looking for a VRMMORPG setting

              • preety self explanatory . I am looking for novels that have a system mechanique
                However what I am looking for is NOT the MC having a systme
                I want the system to be part of the world aka EVERYONE has a system

                • It's an easy way to present information to the readers in the begining of the story , sinse almost all of them come with a game like display of skills . My problem begings when stats go above a sertain number and loose all meaning
                  For examle in MC has 1974 in strength , I'm not gonna even read the numbers after 1 .
                  But in the beging of the story it's actually real convinient to have a well structured system ,and the key word here is well structured

                  • For me at least ,if the chapter was wll translated with no logical errors and no weird parts in between , it gets a 5star
                    if the translation has problems it gets lower and lower ,with 4star being there were a few inconsistencies that break the flow of the read , and 1star being OMG did someone type this blindfolded and drunk
                    My ratings remain mostly stable for the most part and rarely go 1star lower than the average for each story
                    If a story gets a 1star ,it propably was MTRed or an original work and those don't usualy go very far here

                  • Not level 6 but still here . What you gona do about it ? Hah ?!
                    Exactly nothing , Just as I thoght

                    • Read the novel and here is my review to help you
                      The novel has no specific goal to achive other than MC gets with female
                      There was nothing that made any of the characters have personality or uniqueness
                      Even the novel summary is bare bones at best . What is the current situation like , what is going to change , why should we care ...? It's too vauge!
                      The story progression is also not smouth following a 'this happened and then this happened and then this' patern.There is a clear divide between each scene and while that makes it easy to read it also makes it difficult to like .
                      The time spent in every scene has to be meanigfull.
                      Try being more discriptive with who is who , why he does what , what he is thinking at a moment
                      If you want to draw attention to something have the characters' attention be caugt by it and discribe it in detail
                      If you want to write a fight scene , have more than just a punch thrown . A stare down with some trash talk is common practise because it works well to build tention
                      If the story is going to take a big turn after witch the avents of the story take place, have the MC reminisce about the simler times.

                      But the most important of all Have clear goals that your characters strive for .

                      Nobody wants to read about an anxty teen who deasn't know what to da with his life.Everyone wants to read about an anxty teen who is trying to figure out what to do with his life.
                      The sence of progress from moving closer or even further from the goal is what makes a story woth reading
                      In this novel the goal ( getting to know the girl) is achieved in the fist 2 chapters and therefore the story has ended for both you the writer (hence the unsertainty for what to do next ) and the reader

                      • step 1 Have an account
                        step 2 login
                        step 3 do the daily check in, vote and watch adds
                        step 4 profit

                        • Go to
                          filter as competed
                          pick one that suits your tastes
                          works 100% of the times (except the times it doesn't because it's not labeld as comleted far some reason)

                          • It was a cultivation novel sentered around the consept of stars givng you power .
                            People use their will to astral progect themselves in the stars and form contracts with the formations of the stars
                            MC has formed contracts with a Nebula star formation , a sword one , and possibly a beast one , focussing on the dao of dreams , swords and demons

                            • firts thing that pops into mind : Arifureta Shokugyou de Sekai Saikyou
                              As for whether it's good .... the debate continues

                              • If you want a tragic backstory that is used as an driving force for th MC then Coilind Dragon should do the trick

                                if you want something that has the MC going througth sufering after sufering Dungeon Seeker is the closest think I can think of ( not fully translated / don't know updates scedule)

                                Web Novel Novel Ask