I had 452 spirit stones yesterday night, today it is showing me 0 stones. Wtf
vanished Spirit stones
I had 67 and it just vanished ,showing me zero.
Same thing for me. :( Must be a problem on their end.
Same here
Same here 250 stones majority where bought what is going on?
Same goes for me. 500+ vanished. They better fix it. Can't even read novels now.
Yh something happened to them a few minutes ago. Mine disappeared too. I just recently bought some too.
600 down too 0 for me
Had around 500 and now all gone
I had over 2000 minutes ago
Say happening to me and my friends ..just opened today morning to see my ss is 0 and after 10 sec it says I have 600ss and when I try to buy a chapter it changes to 0 again and prompts me to buy ss for unlocking chapter
Also currently unable to check in and collect SS for today
1800 as are gone, I tried logging out then back in, and they showed up, but they disappeared again.
Same issue with me. Around 160 or so gone.
Same here. Lost all my spirit stones
I had just purchased about 1250 two days ago, now the 1116 I had are gone and the consume history is showing an error message. What's going on here?
I was reading halfway when suddenly all my SS became 0 ... panic mode on
All of my stones are gone as well.
same here
Mine are coming and going. If I refresh a bunch of times they will show up for a brief amount of time.