Webnovel Weekly
(2018/12/03-2018/12/09 GMT +8)
Discount Schedule
Book of Today Dragon King's Son In Law 20% OFF
Tues, Dec 04 God Of Slaughter 20% OFF
Wed, Dec 05 Release That Witch 20% OFF
Thur, Dec 06 National School Prince Is A Girl 40% OFF
Fri, Dec 07 Tales of Herding Gods 20% OFF
Sat, Dec 08 Epoch of Twilight 20% OFF
Sun, Dec 09 Way of the Devil 20% OFF

    Hyugo i dont see any discount now... is it error? Ah i really looking forward to read today. What a pity.

      Hyugo thank you. Where did you get the info?

        today i received an email from webnovel

          Hyugo Thank you.

          WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL Does this mean everything on the list will be pushed back a day or that one will be skipped out to ensure the next week's can start on the planned time? And could you please include a list of discounts on the TGIF post, rather than rely on your customers to communicate to the customers who Webnovel do not email? Even if it is only decided on Monday (GMT+8), updating the original post or making a new one would be useful and should (hopefully) not take too much additional effort.

            God Of Slaughter and Dragon King's Son In Law both have discounts today. There's no need to adjust the schedule or anything.

              Nyaboron i'm using the mobile browser for my acct and i cant see if GoS is discounted or not...

                Not sure about the mobile browser but the latest chapter (1419) is supposed to be 10ss but is now discounted to 8 ss. If you paid 8ss for it instead of 10ss then it was discounted.

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