I have always thought that your name being Chrissy meant that you were a woman since I know a singer on Youtube called Chrissy Contanza which is a fine lady having that "Chrissy" as well. Who would have thought it is derived from Christian? Lol, anyway your story is great and I am also living in one of the country in southeast Asia regions so nice knowing you, neignbours :P
The Man Behind the Scenes~
At first, I thought Chrissy was a girl LOL
RegiusProfessor Everyone does, everyone...
Kamu adalah Black Crow kami
If anyone's confused, just flick through this.... Now I realise why people keep saying petmalu lodi...
Chrissy life is really unpredictable but every changes and results are the finished product of who you are, right now!
I think someone, somewhere, once used 'he' when describing Chrissy... Ever since then I thought he was a guy, but before that, I thought he was a girl... Glad to clear things up...
Neverfire7 Hahahaha you're learning some crooked Filipino language.
Chrissy snow not always good as u imagine
Wow Pinoy
Chrissy Wow...wow Chrissy it's great history for back your scene...very..very great..good jobs.God blessing for you and your team.
WillowBamboo Still, I want to see and experience it. Haha, my friends in Canada always say snow is terrible, but still man, a childhood dream is always a wish from the heart.
- Edited
Chrissy Is there a reason why applicants don't receive their editor test score, and only whether they've passed or failed? :3 (and is there any way to obtain said score? :3 )
Also, my process of discovering these chinese wuxia novels was exactly the same as yours xD
I started with animes, then onto manga/manhua/manhwa, and then finally onto the chinese novels I read today
So what was the first novel you read? For me, I recall it being ISSTH (which is still one of my favourite novels to this day :D )
We have the same birthday my gosh.