Romance >.>
Attendance!!! ^_^
Day 169 will write when my pc comes back
Day 170 reading marathon
Day 171 ok procrastination done will write today hahahaha
Oh, It's already 400 Replies?
Day 172 wrote 3 chaps already will write more
Woebegone most of them are mine so... hahahaha... but thanks all the same
Day 173 anddddddddddddd back to reading
I came, I read, I leave with one comment...
Day 174 where is my pc
Immovable087 XD it broke before right?
HearmJan true true hehehe
Day 175 utube marathon done watched death note again epic bwahahahaha
Day 176 have my pc now bwahahahahah no excuses left will write today
Day 177 only lacks ups and i'm set bwahahaahhaha life is great
Day 178 bought my new ups niceeeee no more excuses not to write hahahah
Day 179 btc strikes again torn between two lovers trade or write?
Day 180 cold night
Day 181 will write
Present.. I'm new hr...