I am just typing the latest chapter of my novel rise of the beast king when i accidentally deleted my progress i kinda hope that there's a UNDO button on the MOBILE version of inkstone PLEASE

    MarcheHare And this, dear friend, is why you either do all of your writing in an offline word processing application, or save CONSTANTLY in InkStone as you write. There is, to my knowledge, no way to undo what has happened.

      Clowniac I had lost 50 words because I used the online one, truer words were never spoken.

      What if I lost the chapter, or an outline =[.

      It is actually a decent idea to write it first offline before transferring it however I really do hope that quidan will see this and decided to take action

        MarcheHare there have already been a few victims who suffered the same fate as yours. They complained about it, but inkstone still has a few problems, plenty more in the mobile version. So just grit your teeth and start writing again. You probably wouldn't get a solution within a month.

          11 days later

          I write my chapters in my gmail account, save it, actually gmail automatically save your drafts. Then copy and paste it on your webnovel dashboard, works like a charm! When you type your chapters in gmail, even if there is a sudden power outage, your internet is suddenly not working, your computer suddenly explode,hehehe...the last word you type in your gmail will still be save. Try it! Hope it helps.

            You kinda deserve it though, even my free note app that came with my tablet saves everything once I exit is more reliable then writing here lol. Even google docs is safer. Gmail also works too if you’re extremely desperate.

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