When I opened the website today, I got the daily gift popup. I opened it and earned 2 bonus power stones, giving me a total of 5 power stones for the day.
Is the gift a random lottery or the same for everybody?
Do you guys agree or disagree with bonus power stones being given through the daily gift feature?

    SnoozySloth Its a kind of random lottery I guess, because today as daily gift I got SS. But seriously speaking I don't at all like the recent developments WEBNOVEL has made, specially regarding the daily gifts.. I mean giving power stones or energy stones as gift more than one is practically useless. Whether it is 1,2,3 or 5 power stones, it's actually useless because only once it garners SS. ( I meant to say that even if it's 1,2,3 or 5 power stones you get only 5SS on the daily basis for power stones)

      Getting power/energy stones as your daily gift is complete BS IMHO. Those free SS is 1 chapter unlock(most of the time. So by getting useless stuff you lose the ability to read another chapter that will make you drop a novel faster and might even make you drop the site entirely. Have Q gone silly? They dont want people to stay here so they can vampire suck up all the money? :O

        They just want to scam more money out of people. With daily sign in system, 8 unlucky, 9-11 normal, 12-13 if lucky. Now it's replaced with this lottery (random) daily gift. It gives energy, power, or spirit stones. Based on my daily gifts, around 40% chance for spirit stones. 6 SS normal, 7 good, 8-9 really lucky. Basically all to force (more) money out of those willing/already paying. Not sure if your level changes how many stones you get, if it does, my level is 5. Is there anyone of a different level who can share your results?

          21 days later

          I got this today for the first time and it sucks. Firstly i dont mind the randomness but why do i need power/energy stones? I DONT. to be honest i dont use them but once a day because if the story gets too high in the rankings then it goes premium. so no i only use the first one. i dont need any more stories to spend stones on. if this keeps up i guess ill only use webnovel to find out when stories update. then read them. Elsewhere...i would hate to do that. i really like webnovel.

          i spend money rarely but its mostly to support webnovel and the ss. since i know i can get them FREE elsewhere i think they shouldnt try to irritate their money source. The daily gift is a nice bonus that gifts one maybe two chapters. What does extra power/energy stones do? nothing.

            WTF MAN. I’m already hard pressed reading novels, and now they scam me out of my daily chapters? Freaking stupid. I’m starting to hate Webnovel with a passion right now. Power stones are stupid.

              I even gain 0 ss from daily check in before. extra Power/energy stone were completely F BS, no body need extra ps/es only the writer need it so their novel gain more vote, but we free reader, its just like a F scam.. So please remove it and please put minimum sS on 8 SS per check in, some premium novel need more than 12 Ss to open new chapter and some just need 4-5 SS

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