A year ago I opened a webnovel account when I heard FMHM moved to here. So sad. Another era comes to an end.
Little bun, Cabbage Lu and Bro Xi will be sorely missed.

    WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL the notebook, the bookmark and the little bun badge...... I want it ahhh. Idc abt the other prize, just want these three.

    Off topic.... the webnovel notebook and bookmark will be an excellent prize for winners of writing challenge, since I've never met a writer who doesn't go gaga over brand new notebook and bookmark. We hoarded em.... just sayin

    happles eyyy by the way happles im using my other acc the one with the bunny face, to read mybh...heehee i have to use other coz i have a lot of ss there rather than here...

      missymirei 😲if you're selfish coz of that, then i i am selfish and sooo is the others... so i rather say, we're not.. heheheπŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜… we just love them thats olπŸ˜„πŸ˜„

      _Chanyeol_ yepyepyep...im in...but im using my other acc coz their mass release is really massive im drowning i cant keep up with ss heeheeπŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…

      Ronee know what other reason to be sad about the ending is??... its the comment section....😭😭😭😭😭how fun the comment sec are specially when somthing big happens...we will miss that after this novel ends...😣😣😒😒😭😭

      Thank you translators for your dedication to the story! It is so bittersweet for it to end, but we enjoyed the journey.

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