I'm sad and happy.... 😭😭😭😞😞😞 Bro Xi and Darling with little bun FOREVER!!!!

    Thank you I enjoyed reading it....😊

    As much as I love this novel... it’s kinda unfair that at the end to receive such a special badge... I have to pay... I’m highly disappointed. Because this book actually already made me spend plenty of money as someone just coming from being homeless and broke to having a little money to splurge every now and then. I bought extra SS to read this up the latest point a few times. Else I’d only be reading mainly only the free chapters because of the low amount you earn daily. So to me this is the worst thing ever as a fan. And this is why I stopped reading things on apps like this...

    WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL hi, please clarify if it is january 2 12am(midnight) meaning we have up until jan 1 11:59pm to send gifts or is it up until january 2 12:00 pm(lunch time)

      WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL Honestly, you'd comment but not censor it until the commenter has reviewed it again? Why even?

        Sad it coming to an end. Quiet addictive and relaxing. It takes me off daily worries. When is Ning Xi and Big Bun wedding going to be announce? I want to see the slap on mother Ning's face, the face of total loser. Won't Big Bun let Little Bun and Ning Xi know their true relationship before the novel ends?
        Waiting to see her reaction when she gets to know the man who caused her pain is the one that has been making up and refilling her with joy........

          WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL I've no chance since they are like millions of us reading the novel. But goodluck to those who will win a badge. 😁

            I want all of them 🀩🀩🀩 Sad that the book is ending😒

              WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL i really am looking forward to it coz I really love this thou it will be sad to finish it it was an incredible journey thank you for the book wish you all the best for the new year

                Iam looking forward to the mass release but sad at the same time really gonna miss you author and always looking forward to your new book

                  Ahhh its nearing an ending... This novel is special to me. I start webnovel with this. Going to miss fam bun n d geng. Tq author, tq translator ☺☺☺

                    noooo,please don't end this story hahah kidding but I really love Ning Xi oh geeez I will miss you bro Xi..

                    WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL Yes please! Recently discovered this site and this novel..Wish to read Bro Xi story till end,though i will feel so sad to see all characters go..Such an amazing story!

                    MickeyLz it's only work if you open it thru the christmas banner in main page and not from your library. I found out on the last day too. sigh

                      I just saw this and I feel really happy and sad at the same time. Happy cause 97 (as of right now) chapters to be binge read. Sad because FMHM is ending and because there isn’t a Carrot Yun badge. Discrimination against one of my favorite characters. Or even KFC Master ;-;

                      But anyways, thank you translators for all of your hard work πŸ’–

                      Finally.. i can finish this superrrrrrr.. good novel.. i like this novel so much.

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