Innovation Okay first, did you read what MishaK asked me above? You are plain rude for jumping into conclusion without reading pass conversation when all you need to do is scroll up or do you want to insult amateur authors like me that wants to answer another person's question. I answered what she asked AFTER I replied to the thread's purpose correctly. IN FACT, she asked me because she was surprised about my 3M views answer. GET IT? SHE ASKED. Do I have to repeat it again, SHE ASKED.
I didn't want to post nor emphasize my book, to begin with. SOMEONE ASKED or do you need glasses with a prescription for you to not be a bastard and look that I REPLIED to someone. GOD, help me from people like you who don't allow people to respond to questions.
Are you having fun demoralizing people? Is that the best you can do with your life?
Next time, PLEASE look at the little arrow that signifies that someone replied and not jump to conclusion.
so that you can't accuse me of answering correctly
My first novel is 3.04 M with a 19,959 collection now about 150 ratio (WHICH I ANSWERED BEFORE MishaK asked me what novel it is which I then replied Lady_Liah , and that was the only thing you saw before deciding to be an ass Innovation about it.)
My second novel with one chapter is 4.5K with 1,907 collections
Thank you for comparing me to Tolkien. I love his books. AND I WASN'T asking for reviews my GOD, SOMEONE FUCKING ASKED THE TITLE OF MY NOVEL. And I don't need to advertise my novel; you can see it on the top ranking for the originals, which I honestly don't know why I qualified because I KNOW I AM NOT THE BEST WRITER and I've read better books than mine. Fuck, you make me lose my calmness. The fact that this misunderstanding would not happen had you scrolled up to read past convo, just irritates me further.
We are both idiots here. You for jumping into conclusion, and me for stooping to your level to reply this long but damn you need to learn how to read and understand conversations. If you see a little arrow that signifies I replied to someone, please look at why, where, how, what, and who, if need be.
Love you and your precious attitude. You are the best kind of people that makes me what to bang my head in the wall. AGAIN, SOMEONE ASKED ME and I REPLIED. Can I not reply if the person who asked was in here then where should I respond? Here, hover your mouse at the arrow with MishaK's username so you'll see her question. THANK YOU.
Have a good day!
As for whether I am human or not, NO. I am a fucking robot that doesn't have feelings. Robots like me at least understand that a human like you would rather disregard people's feelings just so they can be right.
Hugs and kisses to you so it may brighten your attitude. I need to sprinkle rainbows and butterflies, then hire unicorns to cheers your sour ass up. ANYBODY knows some unicorn for hire?