Post your novel links and get tags.
PsyberRose hi!! wow a list!!! ahaha, i've already added all the tags to your novel :))
chonnie Thank you! :)
Nou Done
So others can give me tags? That’s cool~~~
How does it work? -_-?
Darling in the mask
Zhi Ruo and Tadashi Gao were kidnapped together at the age of 12. They quickly excaped only to be separated for 8 years. Now one is a barely budding actor and the other an assassin. Are their hearts entwined by fate or were they destined to fail from the start?
David_Tieku done.
Title: My brother's friend
Tags: Modern day/ comedy/ hidden gem/ romance/ life crisis/ mother daughter drama/ protagonist FL/ caring ML/ funny character.
Thanks!!! :)
BaniyaGirl_17 done.
StenDuring Done yours
bacon_bacon Read PsyberRose post and then decide what kinds of tags fit your novel. Post these tags so that people can add them to your story, and make sure to let others know that you added their tags to their stories too.
Nzoputa Added tags, but had to put MotherDaughterDrama because the tag was too long and didn't let me type more XD
Sphnix2025 tags added.