It's been like since 6 days that after watching the video I have been getting 5 SS everytime. While I agree that the number of SS we get is random, getting 5 SS for consecutive 6days is bad. I don't know if this is some problem or just happens randomly. Please look into it.
Getting 5 SS after video for 6 days
I also face the same problem...
I just came to complain about that too.
NAIMEME glad to know m not the only one.
It's also been happening to me.
Same here
same! glad to know I'm not the only one noticing...
Deym! Same here.. hoping that webnovel fix this
This isn't a bug, this is how it is now.
Look up the new beta update ~.~
It makes me feel cheated being consecutive, kindly resolve this please.
So sad. Experiencing the same here
Ho, and I thought it's just my rotten luck.
I'm also consecutively getting +5 for daily login
Yep, me too. Qidian, you can't keep cheating us.
Damn cheater
This is not called random. It is preset.
I think its not bug anymore... They did that on purpose.
YuJing_fan same here