I got rich from doing all the quests, now I have 112 ss
Important update for Webnovel!
You already created a Thread about it, spam multiple novels that had no relation with your current situation just because the "thief" post a comment on it and flood a normal diss instead of waiting. You are quite unlucky for being targeted like that, but you're not the center of the world. Continuing to just disturb innocent readers for nothing instead of patiently waiting for an update from Webnovel is stupid.
I saw that a mod already replied to you and asked to send a DMCA (something that I suppose you have done). Now, maybe it will be taken care quickly or maybe not, but to flood of messages another discussion is not the way to do things.
As for your last message about paying to read your book, not the smartest move either. This type of thing just incites even more people to mess with your work, especially in the current days where many complain about premium novels. So I advise you to tone down on that, before your entire work end up in a subreddit, easily visible for anyone to read it for free. It's true that you work and are contracted for your books, but you don't have to say it that way.
Go be annoying elsewhere. I'm tired of reading about your stolen book. At this point I truly hope someone posts your entire novel on Reddit for free. The way you are acting, it would be a great ending.
Webnoveldeveloper What happens to your existing SS, if after subscribing you can do everything for free?
Also, till when is half off the first month offer?
Do consider providing an annual subscription with substantial discounts
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can I get my missing chapters after you lock SSM I've lost over 40 chapters all ad-based and I can now prove you have a software bug re my data, and as I live in the EU, I need to point out your not in anyway GDPR compliant
and the missing chapters is an ad based bug so I'll like them all back, in from my other books .... please read the post below, and it's long but sorry this is a joke if not I will report you and it doesn't matter you in China if you wish to trade in the EU
@WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL @Webnoveldeveloper @CKtalon
Now I know 100 %, you have a huge AD unlock bug after making SSM locked today as I've had 40+ chapters in the middle re-locked and to unlock them you want 17-19 ss when I used ad's to unlock them
I've read SSM since DAY ONE it was the only reason I come to webnovel after all the bad blood and misleading comments about your plans for the site on the novelupdates website and its mega-post, and if you don't rem here's some of your CSR comments ( this one is claiming you have the world best website and app coders as I own an IT company I'd have to disagree a bit )
as it happens I always believed you should off course make money as the ad unlock was a great idea as I used it for 99% of the time on SSM and the others listed below,
I even bought and sat on stones for over a year before I could start gifting to SSM due to all the website and app due ,,, I remind you about your CSR comment above in the meantime I have bought other stones to unlock things like TKA / RTW
and other books but ones I could use ad's to unlock I always did
now about my comment as to why i can say i logged in every day apart from maybe 1-2 due to illness
i started to joke about with the SSM team ie before Subudai11 changed his handle to AL_Squad as I said to them I was bored with just saying thank you in the normal way, so every few days I used to use google 's tl tool too say it in languages from around the world like those 2 screen pic's
so I got to know our little SSM sect very well inc when
Assassin's Chronicle Progress hit 580/580 and finished I posted I'll go fish some new readers
so I said ty to the tl team as I was also reading that book and I left a come to SSM next message
which worked and got new people
and now we get to the other books which I've already told you about in the thread called "Chapters locked again"
and once again pointed out you had an "AD DATA BUG" due to the way you used ad's to unlock chapters on the website
not being shown on the historical account pages I even said it really should be added I commented in here in a post and on you webnovel page, then being told it was too hard....once again please read your own CSR's word about having the best coders
Now below is a cut and paste of my chat with CKtalon, after for ages being told, it was impossible to get the old data past 6 mths and he suddenly saying, in fact, you could, the post below is from the "Chapters locked again"
so I just cut it over from my other post to point out it's not just SSM that is the problem
( but SSM, this is the biggest hit 40+ chapters in the middle of an ad-free to unlock novel I somehow think I wouldn't miss that many in fact I'd to be blind to miss all of those in one go as you remember I do log in every day, but it seems for a smaller number of missing chapters it must be you is the normal reply which is the normal comment ..oh it's you, you must have missed one ...but 40 missing hmm yeah right oh one sec, I need my white stick and dog before I go on to the next bit ..)
( using them ------- to show the start and end of the post) ( if you wish to see the quick comment before were I'm told you can see your data that we were told was impossible please check the one i listed here but there are a few other and I'll edit and them once found as I've been scrolling through lots of stuff and lot's of things that were there like my comments with in they 40 locked chapters have all gone and your inbox only keeps a year and my last post was from the SSM team )
-------------5 days ago edited
@CKtalon ok I've had a lot on but those are the novels we spoke about and you said a dev can check past ie past that cut of date after that 6mths
1: The Nine Cauldrons I've got locked and unlock all over the place and there is no way I'd unlock 1 chapter then miss 3-4 then unlock 2/3, then miss 5-7 only to unlock few odd chapters yet again ..sorry but no way that would happen and I know I did stop I think about 120-30 due to cost but before that I used adds and freestones
MMORPG: Martial Gamer
once again huge unlocks then 2-3 locked, then huge unlock well past 369...once again ads and freestones as my last unlock was 22/08 and I cross-checked my whole list ...and
MMORPG: Martial Gamer doesn't show up once before or after ...so as I pointed out before I used free ss or ad's as YOUR SYSTEM DOSEN'T COUNT THEM
3Lord Xue Ying,
now this one's fun as I can see I used some paid for stones in the history,
but then I get huge gaps of unlocked up to Chapter 569: Killing!
4: Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich once again huge unlocks then 1 chapter locked in odd places
so it proves without a problem, your system upgrade did screw up chapters due to ads and some freestones
there are a few other novels but they should also show up as you check as I have over 25-30,
some fully finished and they aren't a problem but others are
I've read comic's / manga novels jp/cn/kr's for over 30yrs+ and I work in IT building and fixing servers and o/s ..... and there is no way you or the devs can tell me there isn't a problem
if it needs to be I'll ask for my gdpr compliance under EU law, which means you have to show me all my data.. even if you are in China as your trading in the EU, ( yeah I even know you are hosted off Tencents main ip as I geoip traced you) just in case some at Tencent has forgotten what the GDPR is https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_Data_Protection_Regulation
as I said I'm not a 13year old who just started reading and easy to be brushed off,
it also doesn't help think i can't do any reading of my 2 main novels so I'm a little hmmm and also I've been doing your devs work in the beta testing bit tell people how to install your new app and its bugs
I do hope this can be fixed -------------------
I have read SSM from day one left a comment here or on TKA / RTW / and my best one was when AC finishes I posted above
now here's the start and end of my huge amount of unlocked chapters
as you see they are all locked ...and on an ad watch novel before today, just put my stick down and patting my dog
as I don't want to shock the dog as I now show you the average cost to re-unlock the ad-free chapters
so unless it's my stick and my dog
( in fact, I have a great German Shephard puppy who I should be playing with as I'm not as I'm having to deal with this ),
as I said before I've tried reporting it to you in the forums and had unanswered emails this was why in a chat with
@webdev I was waiting to be told what email I should use so it didn't get lost yet again in "Chapters locked again",
it's your system that's screwed up but I think we're well past that point I think as there is no way it's a mistake on my side and it's been happening to everyone ............ not just me and the dog as I've been saying for ages now
I do have other photos but I'm going to try and save some space or myself and the dog would be able to get out of the forums
now it's really easy to check my story or info as I said I used to talk to the teams all the time and others who only read that book
so what next @WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL @Webnoveldeveloper @CKtalon
as I pointed out in my other post , the EU / GDPR doesn't like data problems with peoples info even if you servers run of Tencent's main ip in China,
in fact, your not even GDPR ready to dor compliance if your trading in the EU as google just found out and a few other companies are about too
now I'm happy to help you as I said I'm 99% sure it's due to a code mistake when dealing with the ad/ video unlocks,
I did post in here and make a post in the webnovel facebook page pointing out they are a problem with the storey and even said why do you add them and got told you can , we'll once again i point you towards the 1st pick and comment and the fact you hosted and based in Tencents HQ ie china's biggest internet company
one last thing I'll say is that their a few more novel that I didn't list due to time and was in a CBA mood, but would like those missing chapters back, as there is no way you can say this is working,
Pizz a tad p'd off :(
Dark_cloud47 i have the same problem with you. There's no button to unlock chapters.
Unlock my subscription already. I'm tired of waiting for WN to get off it's ass and deliver what was promised.
Order number: GPA.3342-7008-9568-38749
Just started using the update but I really love it... Keep up the good work
Webnoveldeveloper you are lying, the price is not 25$, for me it shows i have to pay 30$
Maximilian The $25 is for US dollars i'm from Canada so it is around $30 Canadian dollars for me. :D
Bosy_Elselhdar Well, I can understand how you feel about your stolen works and I really am sorry to hear that.
But the situation I am seeing now is you shout "THIEF !!!" and its companion of thugs are yelling back at you for "You are so loud and we are annoyed. So go else where. If you shout again, things may be stolen again and give away for free. Maybe your thing was stolen because of your shout."
Its looks funny for outsiders as me but so disturbing as a society.
I'd suggest go catch thief with polices and don't mess with thugs and waste your time.
Good Luck!
Whats the story of $24.99 for the remaining months (written in the description) but it says $42.99 is the regular price when i go to purchase it?
Webnoveldeveloper hi, so i made a mistake by accidentally buying the membership for my other account, and now i cant buy it for this, can you please help me, is it possible to transfer the membership from one account to another?
Webnoveldeveloper Why does inviting still give me the 'This account has been signed' error... It was a newly made account but it couldn't get invited.
Can someone explain to me why the novel I unlocked is now LOCKED!!!! so what about the ss I spent for the chapters!!!
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well after my post above, I've now found even more missing chapters in a book I look at and even took screen pics off,
and webnovel is saying there is no problem one novel Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich has got more locked then 5 days ago and i took screen pic's
also The Nine Cauldrons the lower levels are now locked on / lock off/lock on / lock off/lock on / lock off then a few unlocked ... then a few locked ...
this is total insanity I can't look at the others or I may lose it in rage mode yet again
Ayrton they keep changing stuff and rules afterwards it is 13.00 1st month then 24.99 afterwards so 1st year is 288.00 USD then if not discount or cost change its 300.00 for second year
as I just emailed them, in the EU they aren't even GDPR compliant, if I don't get my chapter returned as it should be I'll be reporting them as they are racking up a daily fine as the sec as they should have been on the 28th of May 2018, like in my email under the GDPPR I'm allowed a full copy of my data held on me
it like in Belgium they just banned loot boxes in games due to gambling rules and gdpr reg's epic have seen thru loot boxes not, ea have stopped selling boxes so have BDO and I believe Blizzard will be acting soon and other EU counties are about to do the same
I'm not a 13-18year old I'm that + a good 20yrs plus and I run and own an IT company, and if they think they can hide due to the fact they are based in China, they can't and they even run their services from their owns ip which happens to be Tencent , I've bought stuff from China and I had to deal with their rules but it works both ways, and i still can't believe I've lost more chapter in less than 5 days and I have screen pics