Thanks, the synopsis is true, but it’s only the 4th (16) chapter, so the events take time to build up until she becomes aware of the big conflict. Don’t be too disappointed lol~

Chryiss All done with yours too. Thanks for the suggestions. I was planning to add those supplemental materials for a while now, but I'm still diligently researching other SciFi works for inspiration :)

Good luck with promoting your work. Start with Moe Foxgirl lovers. I know they're out there somewhere - lurking in the deepest, darkest depths of the internet... Bait one, and the rest will sure to follow lol.

    Jamison_C Review done. This time it's just a review and no suggestions. Your story is running its course and there's no reason to make any changes (apart from language), and is probably superbly suited to its intended demographic. I've tried to balance my review and make it explicit where my tastes shine through.


      Thanks for the review, really appreciate the time and effort you took to write it all out.

      Ping me if you ever think you need my help with anything LEL

        Sounds good! I have it in the library, so I’ll be watching. ;)

        Thanks, I’ll need it! Really? Will that really work? XD Akari is important, but I have some certain -coughtragiccough- things planned for her. I might crush the Moe Foxgirl lovers. Altho, she isn’t a girl... yet. Damn it are you psychic?! Haha~

        On another note, I’m disappointed I can’t use asteriks for my coughs, hmph.


        Calm yourself! You put The Three Realms and Transition and Restart twice and Iridescent Spirit in romance instead of fantasy. >3</

          LMFAO, that's what happens when you go into auto pilot copy and paste each link you see!
          Fixed it now.

          Are you still open? I can’t remember if I replied to you in another thread or not. From what I’ve seen so far, you sound like a good, straightforward reviewer, so I’d appreciate it it you could take a look at mine.
          Fantasy, strong-willed FL lead: https://www.webnovel.com/book/12836075506617305

          Of course, I’m open to any one else willing to swap! :)

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