I'm just starting to write but I just cannot find the italicize/bold option, I've also tried copypasting them from .docx but it doesn't seem like that works either.

Is it even possible?

    Nope, not possible. Even if you managed to use a font generator, then copy and paste it, the text would appear the same when publicized.

      There is a horribly ugly workaround, but apparently it results in invisible text on smartphones.

        you can try and use brackets {[(*><, etc otherwise we can only pray that they add those features in the future

          I use a reading format to get around this, but it relies on the reader hopefully reading the explanation post.
          The down fall of no formatting is reading confusion around inner monologues and telepathic events.

          I don't understand why basic formatting can't be incorporated into inkstone books. I guess it is what it is until the company is willing splurge on 21st century technology.

            SouthToiletWizard To be fair it's not. I've been using close to a dozen sites, out of which a couple have the kind of reader volume associated with Webnovel. Not a single one of those sites failed to implement the bare bone basics for formatting text.

              StenDuring I grew up in a time when dial up internet was a thing. I'm a dinosaur that remembers when computers weighed 60lbs the fact that anything actually works is amazing to me.

                SouthToiletWizard LOL Four of us started up one of the first three companies in Sweden providing dial-up Internet :D

                Given that background, no it's still not fair enough. It's been quarter of a century since.

                  StenDuring Another old fart... I know my way around the farm better than all this tech and science stuff. I am easy to please. Well I gtg I need to get to the library to get some chem homework done.

                    3 years later
                    7 months later

                    SouthToiletWizard It is....but the expectations also increaase. If it was free for all and no one was managing it, then perhaps no one wouldve had any expectations...but theyre a mighty big company.

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