[unknown]. The grind lol

- Jun 23, 2019
- Joined Jan 3, 2019
Nobody likes my brand of comedy but then again I don't like most ppls idea of a great story. I only enjoy pure sweet tender romances or raunchy comedy. As in get drunk at a frat party go streaking and fornicate with a goat on the courthouse steps comedy.
Or even worse weeb meth of MC is born god
Or pure weeb meth with nothing but power level or good ol fashioned revenge porn.
Yes so much crap trash romance that stops at 5 chapters
lilseasalt grassroots all the way write your link on truckstop toilet stalls
Magus_Apex. Start doing that review swap grind. Be prepared to read alot of romance novels.
This is clever how many times is this going to post with a different account lmao you were saying it was for a thesis earlier I am almost 90 percent positive.
Niseam if it's sleazy you got sn audience here. Beware though the smut queens are really vivid and dirty don't compete in that arena. Just write a story you can be happy with.
If ppl were less lazy and actually typed out what they thought after sufficient reading it would be fair. That's why I made it a personal policy not to review until I've read at least 10 chapters. Several stories haven't caught my interest enough to keep me there for 10 chapters hence no review from me. Mad respect for hawlol for reading 14 chapters before he put me on blast. More ppl should give a story a fair hearing before leaving a review positive or negative. Review swaps are usually a waste of time in my opinion because several ppl stop after chapter 5 or so.
Best advice avoid any meaningful interaction with ppl in general. Most interactions doomed to end in angry outbursts.
I have yet to get any trolls. Sadly im not popular enough. So any trolls reading please bombard me it will make me feel included.
Hawkkkkkkkkkk agreed 4 star seems to be the minimum.
NDelle. Write a true to life scene. Billy Bob comes home and expects Sharon Jean to have dinner on the table. She don't so he knocks her out with a frying pan and sets the trailer on fire.
Pi_ Feel free to translate mine I would be flattered. Lol
What's new smut queens?
mvphoenix dont read it bet its endless smut
Check it out its funny. Worth reading.Book_Keeper. Get some Rum and tea in you be right as rain. Hope you feel better bro.
CakeSpoon. The Chosen one or Harem King. Systems in general.