Please mass release for priceless baby super daddy and why is it that you need as to unlock each chapter its making me read half all the novel I wonder how long I will be able to. Readup
Now even Webnovel is bullying Tangning
kancharapukavya Elite membership? Buying SS? Etc. Plenty of ways to read SS chapters.
Too much shoujo genre....
kancharapukavya daily login and earn hundred chapters then pick another...collect then again continue reading
Earlier many novel didn't become premium soon until 30 chapters...
I feel like it's always the girls that get more releases every Friday.
kancharapukavya try to read when discounts are there
kancharapukavya try reading older novels like battle though the heavens..against the god which doesn't require ss
_AiRen_ yeah I'm also waiting for the mass release of this novel
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL when are the others going to be release like
Beauty unknown
My beautiful commander
Jun Juiling
the emperor's wife etc
What can i do? Just a poor collage... Login daily and collect SS in daily quest...
If you get the app from the Google store, you can use Google cards to buy SS. And people just loooove giving gift cards!
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL Need to open up gifting for end of the magic era if possible thanks
- Edited
Hello. How about Jun Jiuling novel. No updates from the translator since forever. Can you do something?
Soo qidian. Stop putting lgbt novels under male section. Im pretty sure its lady pick. Like new. Voting novels what to pick. My sugestion is make 3 types.-male, female, and whatever section it is you are pushing to vote in male section in past month. Im sick even to look at them to use my everyday voting stones.
Qidian should focusing to re- translate their some of droped novels then pushing shitty ones. As im a paying one - i do think qidian should make a test for what exactly readers want. Especially like last ones for vote what to translate - i would never ever read as i think they are not even for females( as im male) . But for sissies.
in some months i would probably will get my novels readed . and after i just dictch qidian monthly pay account - as it sucks with those novels what they are droping in.
I do patreon donations - even not for that i would even want to read faster next chapters - thats very bad consumption policy.
like giving extra chapter - but then you still need wait for next chapter the same as other people. only difference is to make you feel that "yeah im the one, and only " just because you are in front of others with x chapters.
i don't read chinese, korean and japanese novels just because they are chinese , korean or japanese. but i read specific genre, and if i like them to read.
not those feminist, homosexual etc crap to brainwash myself. i read it because to take my mind of life.
Books are fiction. and its better that its in fiction books staff then in real life - slaughter, racism, etc. So yeah those idiots who scream about gore and racism in novels - don't read then, and fight these things in real life, in real world. And yes. Qidian should banish these kinda people who mess people minds with unwanted crap = enough with facebook last 5 years. which makes people agresive.
It's awesome for most of the books. It will be must better to have at least 4 chapters a day to read.
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL heys guys if you have a novel already published, how you include it in the writing prompts?