
  • Nov 3, 2023
  • Joined Nov 26, 2017
  • How interesting! Hope someone knows because I wouldn't mind reading this!

    • There's also the culture clash. What might be acceptable in one country absolutely isn't in another. A good example is '7 yr old Genius' where they talk about punishment with a giant ruler/cane. Just a whisper of that would get one, if not several, visits from Child Protective Services... same with the idea that a little girl just runs away, and no one cares. Yet they're trying to westernize the names (mostly forgot thankfully) and that disconnect jerks me out of the story because I keep wondering when CPS is going to show up (and no, even wealthy families have to deal...just not as badly).

    • The Mighty Dragons are Dead!!! Totally wish this one had gotten picked... or Game of Life (cooking fantasy at its best!)

      • And sometimes it's just that they got a cover that's exclusive to them. If you read the whole description, quite a few novels have disclaimers about the cover image...

      • The fast passes you earn weekly for spending coins are novel-specific. HOWEVER, if you don't like the book, you can wait until the next day to see if something you do like pops up. You have until Sunday morning (if you live in the USA). I just wait until something I like (or Saturday in some cases) pops up.

        • Usually the winning trial read is up by now, but not a single new chapter has shown up yet! What gives!?

          • Because this is an adapted form, and where it is from, people pay their bills doing this. So, popular stories tend to have 100s, if not 1000s of chapters. Sometimes, it's a true magnum opus, but often it falls apart towards the end or just end abruptly because the author wants to move on to the next story!

            • There's also the instance where the novel in question has a LOT of already translated chapters, and they got that translator in the bargain when they started communicating. That's what happened with a few of the newer books. No clue why Barton's made it (couldn't get past the first chapter of that book) when the others were so much better!

              Just wish they would 'recycle' the other books at least once a month. I have quite a few I regret not getting picked!

              • Or let's put it a different way: most romances are cheap. A dollar can get you 20-25 chapters...which you can read on the way to woek or school (if you're on transit) or during a lunch break. A dollar...when girls usually spend a lot more than that just for a tube of lipstick or mascara...

                • It's a trial read...it'll probably come back in a month or so...depends mostly on the translators. Unless they had to pay or negotiate, you just have to wait for it to pass the trial test. (Worlds' Apocalypse Online is one example, and totally waiting for a couple femme ones to also clear)...

                  • What happened to the second pick for the guy vote??? Was it Contracting Sprites and a glitch kicked it out or something???

                    • Sometimes, they're quietly added with no fanfare...I've run across 2-3 titles I saw in the trial reads that didn't make the cut but have a whole lot more than 60 chapters...

                      • Dalton_Reutlinger Writing doesn't really pay unless and until you build up enough of a backlist to constantly generate royalties (or coins in this case)... that's fiction...nonfiction needs you to hustle or work for a publication...

                        • Not wanting to go crazy...seriously... I have so many ideas bouncing around that it's difficult to pull them out, but when I do...yay! Relief! Now if only I could switch from the Marvel kick back to DC...sigh 😭😭😭😭

                          • jayz2484 Yeah...got this one thrice so far...as well as another one. Totally weird!

                            • While we all know it's going to be our fave elf princess, the other candidates serve to provide tension and comic relief. What's an HEA without a little healthy competition???

                              • Wulin_Jianghu I think I'm one of the few people out there who remembers when it started life as a Twilight fanfic, and then people said to try to get it published and the author shopped it after changing the names.

                              • And by this, I mean that it's all in Chinese! And with over 10k chapters... sorta shocked the author could persist for that long!

                                • Oh...I didn't really get cheated because instead of the right chapters, it just unlocked previous ones I'd read for free...it was just a weird situation...

                                  • You should also keep a backup of your history because it only goes back so far...had the same issue with LoHP and they said I was mistaken except I unlocked the chapters in question while at an Olive Garden with exceptionally... not bad, but lengthy service (a snafu in the kitchens). You tend to remember things when free food is involved (desserts! Yum!)...

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