The novel i'm writing at the moment both includes fantasy and sci-fi elements, where the world is that of a fantasy, and the MC is from a sci-fi background with the tools to create his army of machines.

I'm unsure what genre to give this novel, if i give it sci-fi, it wouldn't convey properly what the novel is, and if i make it fantasy, the same issue is there.

Should i just try and make the cover clearly sci-fi, for example, and the genre fantasy? or should i just go with one of the two genre's instead of bothering to mix them up? if so, which one?

You might say i'm overthinking this, and you're probably right, but it still bothers me god deng it!

    If it's a mixture, fantasy would be more accurate. Sci-fi typically is treated as "technology only, no magic".

    Siterus On this site -- fantasy. I had exactly your dilemma. If the hero drops from a space-ship into fantasyland just treat it as fantasy and have your dragons glare angrily when people shoot at them with plasma guns.

    I third the choosing of fantasy. While the fantasy and sci-fi elements in my story are unequal as it leans more on fantasy as well as starting out in that world, I have a similar problem of a single genre not encompassing the story. It makes more sense to say it’s fantasy, and in the synopsis, include sci-fi as a secondary genre because sci-fi doesn’t have magic, it’s strictly technology, but reversely, fantasy can have technology or space-time elements in it.

    I would go with fantasy too since the main world your character inhabits is a fantasy one.

    thanks for all of your replies, i'll go with fantasy once i do release it.

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