• Questions
  • Are you satisfied with the results of your 'Originals' Novels?

I would stockpile on chapters when I started instead of publishing right away. I would not join random contests on the forums except the official ones because people forget about those. I would make my chapters shorter. I would do a lot of things differently, but since I'm stuck on this path, this path is what I must tread through. >3</

Ummm well I would say I really need to redo the first half of my book, I made so many mistakes and I really need to take the time to edit those awful 70 odd chapters. I am currently satisfied with my writing but I know I still have a long way to go. I console myself with the fact that this is the first time I have ever written anything so I don't think I am doing too badly.

I adore my readers and continuous feedback. The daily interaction, comments, reviews, and compliments keep me motivated and striving to give them the best reading experience.

I am grateful that I found WN and to have an opportunity to actually write and finally realize this dream of mine. Although I can honestly say is my readers who have given me the courage to really stick to this path.

Considering what I post here are my unplanned, unedited first drafts for stories I'm making up as I go, yeah, I feel pretty good about the response I'm getting. lol

Also, #CirqueGang, bby!

    I am very satisfied with my progress, even though the first hundred chapters were very bad.

    6.9k collections and 2.5kk views

    I'm satisfied with the writing itself and some of the people I've met through my story, but next time, I'll promote my story more actively since it was sluggish from the start. Additionally, I'll write more often, so I can upload somewhat daily-ish. In short, don't be a lazy bum!

    TheBlips Grammar can be overlooked when the story itself is good. Congrats on the god stats :grin:

      Tough question. I'm satisfied I'm delivering something original each time. However, writing outside the norm, something new, in a niche is a risk of no readership.

      It's the reception that can make me happy and sad in the same day.

      I write BL, LGBT and this journey has given me ups and downs for years. I'm so happy that more people are willing to give stories with same sex relationships a go. Yet I still have a long way to having a popular story, yes I want my stories to have fame for both selfish and selfless reasons.

      At least I don't get told by editors, "when hell freezes over" or similar anymore. That's a plus.

      I can only work harder to write worthy stories I'm proud to deliver that people will hopefully want to read, try to be smarter with my promotions.

      At the moment my stories are accepted by a few, but not many. I'll work to better my style to appeal.

      I'm a writer. Of course I'm not satisfied with what I wrote. That goes with being a writer after all. However, you can't edit to death.

      With 20/20 hindsight I'd have done a number of things differently. For starters, if I wrote this type of ensemble cast story from scratch again, I'd start with two characters and pull them far enough into the story to allow me to flesh out named nobody number one to become character number three, and so on and so forth until I stealthily had built my full cast. Dumping all six of them more or less in one go into the story costs me readers.

      I'd also stuck strictly to a chronological start and waited until those concerned were safely introduced to the readers before I did funny crap like fashbacks and/or time-skips.

      Lastly, since I'm writing multicharacter romance, I'd set up one couple at a time and written one bad excuse after another into the story to keep up the illusion that it's perfectly OK for the other characters to wait in limbo for their own emotions to evolve.

      All in all adapting to the current day readers who won't invest in more than two characters at a time.

      I have the audience my story deserves given how it runs. Most importantly for me I have a few readers who seem to be fully invested in the story I chose to write, and that makes all the difference. For those I'll keep going, and doing so as a happy writer.

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