Nzoputa heyyy wanna try your story too. It looks interesting so I'll review itmine. I'll add it in my library.. Here's my mine
Nzoputa heyyy wanna try your story too. It looks interesting so I'll review itmine. I'll add it in my library.. Here's my mine
Sigheti I really loved your book and left you a review, check it out. Also would you mind reviewing my novel as well link:
Nzoputa Review done!
Didn't take long as it was only 6 chapters. My comments are in the novel itself (there were only one or two, I think). Overall, it was an enjoyable read and hope you will continue developing it. All the best, fellow Author. :)
PsyberRose thank you so much, glad you liked it.
Miss_Lazy Done
Your novel has immense potential, though I do understand you are having difficulties with the language. You could try Grammarly (free editing programme) - it's something I use as well to help. I have a huge problem with tenses and plurals. I can see how much you love writing so all the best!
PsyberRose. Thanks
BestChapter Reviewed your story already check mine out when you have the time:
Trapped in Time.
Kindly see the 3 chapters 1 posted and give a review. I will do likewise.
PsyberRose Just saw your novel and read the prologue now giving a review.
Kindly see the 3 chapters 1 posted and give a review for Trapped in Time.
BestChapter Just reviewed your book. I read a chapter and have added your book to my library to read later.
Kindly see my book and review. Trapped in Time which has only 3 chapters at present.
RenuKakkar Review done. Thanks. :)
Darling in the Mask
Review done.
New user here. My novel is C: Summoner & Magic.
Nidalee Review done. Please do mine as well. Thank you.
Like I said in my first post, you don't have to read all 100+ chapters. Just enough to get a feel of it. Thanks.
PsyberRose done reviewing(: