Hey guys! Let's party today for the new Android Beta Version and also the time for sharing 1000 SS! You can check the extremly exciting fresh and upgraded functions below!
🎖1、Brand new layout for users to explore more fictions and comics
🎖2、A smoother experience for sign in and sign up
🎖3、Users can read some of the fictions and comics for limited free

All android users can download the new version here:

If you find any bugs, please don't hesitate to tell us with the following information:
🤓1. Please provide the description of bug (better with book and chapter name when it appears).
📺2. Screenshots of bugs
🤳3. Phone model, version of your phone and edition of your operating system.
⚡️4. Internet connection (Wifi or Moble?)
🎪5. Where are you from?

All the valuable answers will be rewarded 💖50ss!💖




    I dont have the limited free section

      The reading experience is a little havier, as i cant scrool from top to buttom as smooth as the official release. The menu in chapters is opening slow and its also buggy. Using an android 8.0.0 on HTC U11 plus

        Well, i'm asking about "Invite Friends" system, why i can' t input my friends code or my friends input my code and always get "Failed Redemption, account has been signed"? Is there a limit for us to invite friends or a quota per day for invinting friends? And i think the Monthly Subscription is too expensive for SEA people especially me as a college student who only have $5 a week from my parents.

          Time for testing.. Many thanks
          So, limited free only for 3 novels/comics for many days (please advise is it fix into 18 days or how many days?).
          Suggestion only:
          1. maybe can organize like this at the top:
          A. [Home > Novel > Comic > Genres > Features (Recommend) > Free]; or
          B. [Home > Novel > Comic > Free]
          -in Free Section, once tap inside, it will show features 1. Limited Time Free; and 2. Limited Time Discount

          2. for saving some space (instead of repeating once we tap "see all", maybe can create "Ranking" in 1 column/section. Once tap inside will show all the ranking: Power Ranking > Popular Ranking (24 hrs best selling)> New Novel
          3. announcement: in future, can you announce any webnovel activity/event like this in the webnovel main page/home page same slide/advertisement with "when nothing to read/council of the bookworm/writing prompt contest/etc", instead of announcing in the forum. It's more convenient for the reader to take note on the certain announcement and convenient to webnovel staff for keep repeating answer the same question.

          WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL FYI, Ps I'm (not) over you is not a complete novel.

          1. my webnovel apps only show: Recommended > Comic only
          2. AltText
          3. JSN-L22, android ver. 9 EMUI 9.0.1
          4. WIFI
          5. SG

            Thanks for bringing sign in with Google was worried that this update will be delayed. Shut down of Google + has already started phase wise 😚

            When using the new feature to get to the next chapter, there is a lag. I have to tap twice before I actually get to the next chap.

            so the limited free section is for android right

              My unlimited access was gone. I paid the monthly subcription for the unlimited access to all my readings. What happen. Pls bring it back.to me. I dont want to miss my reading.

                Web Novel Novel Ask