ggone_ a review swap?
Drop your novel link and get review from others
Gourmet_DAO oh sure! just link me your novel/s :))
MinxMean a review swap?
ggone_ Review wrote, interestingly written, Respect to the author
Gourmet_DAO hello! I've also finished writing my review :) Kudos to the author for the interesting book
Review swap? Just drop your novel here, and I'll drop a review in exchange.
ggone_ thnx !!!!
Alexander_Moe Thnx!!!!
d3trois sure
Sypnosis: Sun hee es una joven de 18 años. Tras haber perdido la memoria y despertado de un largo coma se entera de qué su madre la quería casar, sin poder negarse tuvo qué aceptar.
Su esposo Taeyang es un hombre frío, rico, arrogante y poderoso, capaz de hacer desaparecer a cualquier persona del país. Ellos dos son completamente diferentes.
¿Qué pasara en su relación, terminaran enamorándose?
Any review would be appreciated. I'll gladly swap with anyone if they're interested, too.
FattyBai a review swap?
Gourmet_DAO done!
FattyBai Review already written
Axicia_ Thnx!!!!!!
Axicia_ Review already written
- Edited
Greetings everyone! Please help me review my novel :)
ColdHeavens a review swap?