
  • Joined May 9, 2018
  • It's not that surprising since the writers on this site are usually younger, first-time authors who are starting out at writing. (Not that this a bad thing though; everyone has to start somewhere.)

    This is nothing new; it's also evidently clear (at least, for male readers) that the prevailing style of writing that they ascribe to and emulate is that of what they consumed before they became writers -- Japanese light novels, Chinese web novels, anime, manga, video games, etc...

    I really do not want to bash on these mediums since they have their own select gems that show real sophistication and maturity in the themes and topics they deal with, but the vast majority is total hogwash. Very entertaining and fun stuff, but in the end, most of it is not very serious or well-written in nature. Let us be honest about that.

    ML stories are almost always concerned with action and the basic progression of something (typically a character getting stronger, getting more heroines, building a bigger kingdom, etc...) because that's what sells for male readers. They want stories with a solid endgame goal, fanservice (wish fulfillment), and a large helping of engaging conflict to fill the chapters. Anything else is extraneous and not that necessary in the long run of the story.

    They aren't interested in character development, interpersonal drama, or semi-serious romances that FL stories often have. And many FL stories are also chock full of the same stuff I mentioned for ML stories too but in a different flavor. The pot can't call the kettle black, tbh. Though I admit that they're usually not as ridiculous as ML novels.

    In the end, it is crucial to understand that Webnovel is a site for digital pulp fiction. That's not a bad thing, but it means that the quality of the stories here will naturally not be the greatest. You have to take that into account with the stuff that male writers are trying to base their work off of and give our lads some leeway. They're learning the ropes.

    • Surprisingly, we only have human readers on this site, so writing human characters helps since they can relate better to them. Humanoids (elves, dwarves, hobbits, orcs, etc) also work, too. It's far easier to write characters from viewpoints that you understand (as a human) and others that you can approximate with good certainty (fantasy humanoids). After all, they're all reskinned humans with some superficial tweaks.

      But there are plenty of stories that subvert this and have protagonists and characters that are far out of left field (viruses, snails, sticks of wood, sea urchins...) and those stories do well enough from what I've seen.

      In the end, it's not the nature of your content that matters, but rather your execution. If you're a pro writer, you can work with just about anything and still make it highly engaging.

    • Just put your hands on the keyboard and start typing, even if you don't want to. You can re-edit it later. That's been my solution for writer's block since forever. It's worked regardless of the reason I initially developed my writing block, be it obsessing over making a perfect chapter or feeling like I've gotten lost somewhere in telling my stories. But that might not work for you, though.

      For someone like you though, who has stated they've run into a block from having a lack of ideas, I suggest reading, watching, or doing something to replenish your creative juices and possibly generate some fresh, new ideas. I usually keep a notepad file around to jot down the little sparks of ideas I think might work in my stories whenever they pop into my head. Sometimes I also write down particularly interesting dreams (and nightmares) I have in my notepad before they vanish in the morning, too.

      But above all else, make sure you get back to writing, even if you have to force yourself because the longer you stay away from the keyboard, the harder you'll find it to go back to it. But that just might be me, since I don't have a strong habit of writing every day.

      Wish you the best on getting back on the writing train. Keep ya chin up.

      • Constructive criticism is a wonderful thing, but sometimes authors can take that well-meaning act as an attack on their work. Giving a good review is an art of its own, to be perfectly honest.

        While I am an advocate of gently pointing out what you determined could use some work and polishing, you should also make sure to point out what you liked from the work and perceived to be enjoyable. I cannot stress this part enough because if all you do is write about what you disliked, your review is going to appear very hostile to an amateur author (which is the predominant case here) who has not yet developed his or her thick skin to criticism.

        A good review should obviously never have any form of insults towards the author and the work, as that will obviously put you in the immediate bad side of the author and will, most likely, give the author all the incentive in the world to delete your review. There's nothing constructive about posting garbage, after all.

        All in all, you should strive to write a polite review and include both the positives and negatives you discovered about the work (you're reviewing the novel as a whole and not what you just found terrible). A common courtesy that is optional, would be to wish the author the best in improving their writing abilities and the success of the novel. Ending your review on a positive note is a surefire way to communicate your goodwill and sincerity as a reader, be it as a passing lurker or a dedicated fan.

        Many authors rarely get praise at all for the efforts or even thanks for the work they've written. Heck, some don't even get comments in their chapters, if at all. You'd be surprised what a simple, "Thanks for the novel" can do to make an author happy. (Source: Me)

        • Make your own comic if you have the art skills required to do so. This the first option.

          The second option is much more costly. If you don't have the skills needed to create your own comic adaptation, you're gonna have to find someone who'd be willing to take up a commission (a really hard sell for what you want). You better have an amazing story if you want your pitch to succeed. I also hope you got some fat stacks lying around if you do find an artist who'd actually take on your request.

          The third option is almost nonexistent. You better have 10 Charisma, 100 in Speech, and another 100 in Bartering if you want to actually persuade someone to create an adaptation of your work for free. Godspeed.

        • I'm more of a gardener than an architect when it comes to writing. On a very rare occasions though, I might do some extremely general outlining for a specific scene or plotline I want to write.

          • The average chapter length for most authors is usually between 1,000-1,500 words. Some people even go further than that and publish 2,000-2,500+ word chapters depending on what their goals are.

            My advice would be to write 1,000 words a day and raise the word count slowly over time as you get used to writing larger chapters.

            I'm not sure what your goal is, so I can't give you specific advice, but 1K words should be good enough for the average reader. Are you updating daily to garner more views and collections? Are you updating daily because it's just a fun hobby? Are you trying to get contracted? What's your angle?

          • That'd be a cool option, but I can only see the most dedicated readers on the site straight up paying seven to ten dollars for a book, or a single volume in a longer series. Most people on this site are scrounging get extra fast passes to put things into perspective, so I feel that your proposed feature would likely only be implemented for the most popular stories, if at all.

            • TheCaffinated

              Wait, what? Are you talking about the Minimum Guarantee System or how Webnovel seeks out contracted works?

              TheCaffinated Qidian only pays those who reach and stay in the top 300 in rankings‚ are deemed to be of sufficient quality by some arbitrary metric

              There are some novels that haven't even reached the top 300 rankings and still got contracted. On occasion, Webnovel sometimes seeks out novels on the basis of their quality and the individual work's stats than through powerstone rankings or update frequency.

              If you're talking about how contracted authors get paid, then I assume you're talking about the premium chapters, the gift system, and other alternatives that are available to all contracted works. That's how authors get paid according to Webnovel's own Contract Q&A that you can find on the author's discord.

              TheCaffinated and have demonstrated the ability to consistently meet word quotas.

              If you know something that I haven't seen or read, feel free to share, but I haven't heard about this at all. I'm assuming you're talking about the Minimum Guarantee System designed for authors who decide to make their works Premium for the first four months. That's the only part in their Contract Q&A that they talk about word quotas specifically to get paid a minimum of $200-400 depending on how many premium words they write during that four month period.

              • Nasu I'm gonna have to disagree with you there, mate. If it has its roots in another work that isn't his, it's a fan-fiction. He's not taking a unique spin on a previous work or concept; the author was the one who did that. He took world mythology and used it a unique way that separated it from what it based of off (gods from all mythologies descending upon the mortal world, among other things). Einlion took what the author created and ran off with it, that's it. Danmachi's shadow will always be there and that will always relegate it to the status as fan-fiction.

                It might be an unpopular opinion, but if you started with something that wasn't yours, it doesn't become yours just because you added a mountain of paint on it. You can reference off of stuff you like, but you gotta start from pure scratch for it to be original.

                Edit: Your response comes off funny as hell considering whom you've chosen as your account name.

                • Einlion I won't argue for him, but you must admit that fan-fiction stories have a legitimate unfair advantage over original novels. Here you guys are using highly popular, renown franchises for your novels and you're acting like you're being suppressed? Excuse me? Did I catch that correctly? Good lord.

                  Yes, all fiction is derived of other stuff and we've all been jacking each other's ideas since the beginning of literature, but you're not doing that. Don't confound yourself with them; you don't take concepts and breath new life in them by giving them a unique spin. You just wholesale take the whole damn thing and lightly reskin it. That's it. That's what a fan-fiction is. A fan-made story of someone else's creation, no matter how you may try spinning it.

                  You've put in effort to get where you are now, but it isn't the same effort original authors have had to make to reach where you're at. That's where some people like that guy get their superiority from; that they didn't rely on the easy route. They didn't lean on something already successful. People feel pride about that, but I doubt you'd understand atop the mountain, eh?

                  Must be nice having a massive, pre-established fanbase by default. I've seen a dozen fan-fiction novels blaze through 100K views with less than a dozen chapters written because they were fan-fiction novels of either DxD, Harry Potter, Dragon Ball, One Piece, Marvel, or DC material. A bunch of other stuff, too. It's absolutely crazy how fast people will jump on board for fan-fictions over some obscure original work by an author that hasn't proven him/herself yet.

                  Must be nice having all of the world building, world/fighting mechanics, politics, and an entire cast of already fleshed out characters to work with from the start, mhm? A world and cast that's already adored by the readership before you even started writing, no? Man, that sounds reaaal tough, man.

                  Many fan-ficitions don't make it to the top 100, but instead they dominate the lower rankings, far out of sight. They snuff out smaller, lesser-known works near the bottom instead. It's been happening for the longest, but I doubt you've ever noticed from up there, right? That's my two cents on your nonsense.

                  Write your fan-fiction; it's cool and everyone should not feel obliged to write anything they don't want to, but know that not all novels are born equal and seperating fan-fictions from originals is a merciful act.

                  • They don't care, you're free to do as you like with your content as you wish. You own the copyright for your stuff even after publishing it on this site. I'm unsure what the terms are for contracted works, but IIRC you still own the copyright for it. Don't quote me on that part, though.

                    • Michael_Ryman
                      I can agree with some of what you wrote, but you have to understand that people will read what they want and ignore what they dislike. Simple as that.

                      It'd be nice if Qidian purged inactive, abandoned novels after a generous grace period if the author hadn't already put it in hiatus themselves for safekeeping. Purging novels on the basis of an author's writing ability, or something as trivial as a book cover would be overkill, though. You're expecting too much from amateur writers; especially since the main demographic of this site is mainly younglings.

                      You shouldn't be expecting that much from them in the first place — for many of them, it's their first time writing a novel, period. It's also noticeable that for many of these young folks, English isn't their native tongue. That makes it even harder for them, so it's doubly unfair for you to judge them so harshly.

                      Yeah, there's a lot of stuff that'll make you want to grab bleach so you can cleanse your eyes. Yes, there are many novels with sub-par writing and a myriad of other flaws. Just understand that everyone has to start somewhere on the road to mastery, and for many, this is the perfect place to do so. Give 'em a chance; who knows, maybe one day down the road, they'll surprise you in return for the patience you've shown.

                      • dumdum007

                        I've finished both your reviews; thanks for making me lose track of time reading your novels, lol. I abstain from reading romance stories out the fact that I have a sweet tooth and I'll get obsessed if one of them catches my eye. It's aggravating because, for all I've read, I can't get a good rhythm of writing romance. Alas, I might be cursed. >_>

                        • SanderT1996 I've got you; don't give up on your novel. It sucks that RL circumstances killed your novel's momentum, but we gotta keep struggling. Here's to both us making it big one day, haha.

                          • Clowniac I've got you, fellow brother. Had a giggle or two (maybe three) reading Jack's mishaps on his adventure. There's nothing like taking an offer made by a mischievous, clever god. I love Frumpkin's character above all else. Keep fighting the good fight, my man.

                            • Hey, it's ya boy here. I'm in dire need of some reviews to finally get an actual rating up on my novel's main page. It's a bit lonesome around my place as of late, ya see...

                              Review my novel and make a comment in this thread (with your preferred novel) and I'll return the favor. The time limit a week (because by then, this thread will certainly be buried).

                              How much you read is up to your own discretion; forcing you to read through all 50K current words wouldn't be fair if you know by a certain point you didn't like it. Reading until you get a feel for my writing is enough. To be honest, I'll appreciate the attempt regardless of how much you read.



                              The link: https://www.webnovel.com/book/14330023806076305
                              Title: Alma
                              Closest Genre: High Fantasy
                              Tags for your interest: Male lead, Character Driven, Mystery, Weak to Strong, Journey (Coming of Age), etc

                              I won't beat around the bush; I rejected many popular literary elements that are loved on this site and compromised on some of them with conditions. It's awkward, for sure. As a result, Alma's sort of turned into my joke on the (male) novel community and a half-serious attempt at making something that akin to that of an actual myth or legend. Terribly done, might I add.

                              That means no systems, no harems (or at least a harem ending), no meaningless relationships, less of focus on the action side of things and a conscious effort in dealing with characters themselves. It's hard not falling back on these easy vices and I struggle a lot compromising what to let pass and what to reject. I wanted a novel that would hopefully pull in both sexes with universal themes, but man, it's hard doing that.

                              In any case, take a gander and let me know what you guys think. I'll get to your reviews in the meantime. Thanks

                              • Ichigo015 Like others have said, likely no contract since you're using copyrighted material. You'll have to make up for that with patreon or PayPal, I guess.

                                There are some...negative feelings among the community about fan-fiction works for several reasons. I personally dislike them, but not to the point of hating authors and the like.

                                There will always be some condescending feelings though because they use established, high popular franchises as their base (Harry Potter, DxD, Marvel, DC, etc).

                                The result is that they have an enormous pulling power that original works can't compete with at all.

                                Combined with the fact there are so many of them coming out all the time, you get a nasty situation for beginning original authors. I genuinely believe that they're snuffing out original stories at the moment.

                                But if you really love a certain franchise or series, you should do what you want. It's all about writing stuff you like, not about pleasing the masses. Well, at least it's that way for me. Up to you in the end.

                              • Want to start by rolling a couple of stats I scrounged up myself: Of the top 100 original novels, roughly half of them are romance novels (with romance novels dominating the top 3 spots).

                                Another quarter of the top 100 is comprised of fantasy novels and the final quarter is made up of various genres (sci-fi, sports, video games, erotic novels, and fan-fiction).

                                It shouldn't come as a surprise by now that male novels or rather male-centered stories are outgunned on the site. The ladies of Webnovel are putting their power stones where they want, but what of the gentlemen?

                                Are we not voting enough, simply lurking around and not letting our voices be heard? Perhaps the demographics of the site are inherently in favor of the ladies? Where have the lads gone to?

                                I believe that female readers are more prone to comment, review, and vote for the novels they like, unlike guys who silently support their favorite novels incognito. I'm sure you've seen the absolutely crazy number of power stones that have been given to the top romance novels in the past weeks. It's mind-boggling.

                                I initially thought the male readers flocked to translated novels more than original works, but the stats seem to be proving me wrong. It's the same deal with translated works as romance novels dominate roughly half of the top 100 translated works. The rest is a mish-mash of fantasy, cultivation, and the like.

                                Female readers in essence, own half of the top 100 spots on the site, a majority of them being in the top 50, while the rest -- (usually) male-centered own the bottom 50.

                                I summon forth the men of the site and ask you this: What should we do to rise again to prominence?

                                I think a major shift needs to happen. We need to cater to the ladies when we write, but the issue is to what extent? Where can we compromise and where do we say no?

                                Romance is the biggest issue by far for us; how we write and what they think of it. Let me know your thoughts on this, gents. Would like to hear your insights on the trends of the site.

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