schreient I was able to add them. It looks like on mobile app, you have to press Go after each tag word for it to show up as a tag/bubble. The the SAVE option lights up blue, and you can click it.

At first I thought it was broken for me too, but this was my first time adding tags on mobile.

    Reinesse Same. And then I saw Sunny’s thread and went “...”

    I’m not the biggest advocate for fan fiction on non-fan fiction specific/exclusive sites. But ofc it would take BTS to shake me up.... *sigh

      Chryiss man, concert tickets! If I had the guts, I'd do it for that.

      I feel weirded out by real people fanfic. WP After still creeps me out.

      WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL so even the BTS Competition, we can still write over 500 word because some people say we only allowed to write approximately 500 word or is that true?

      so is this real or fake cause i dont wanna get it wrong!

        schreient Awww~
        The desktop you need to hit Enter key in place of Go on mobile. Oh well, even if you can’t tag, put a note on the synopsis to help tag and then list them. Hopefully readers will add them.

          Entry for writing prompt 65

          Anyone can change if you present them in any kind of situation.

          [Will you die for power?]

          "I want power that will let me stand above the rest, if I can get such powers through death I will gladly embrace it with open arms."


          [Will you kill for power?]

          "They will kill me if I don't take the initiative, I will destroy their entire Guild if I must.]


          [You are worthy to wield me now embrace death and be reborn.]

            oh and one more thing! Can is be a fan-fic because the poster says YES but the one you gus posted says fanfics are NOT eligible so im kinda confused!

              Alpha_C Fan-fiction is in the literary sense (using some other author's work as a basis to write)

              For fandom fan-fics are original stories with real life people/idols.

              The former is not allowed, while the latter is allowed for WPC #66.

                CKtalon Oooh I never thought about it separated that way. Cool, good to know.

                  Veronica8 the BTS prompt's prolly amnesia inducing due to severe excitement lol good thing i already have it so effect's not that powerful 😂 i hope they post the results from the last prompt soon or did they already?

                    What's the meaning of BTS..
                    I'm sorry for asking..I may not be really new here but there are lots of acronyms I still don't understand😊

                      WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL it's a bit off topic but can you guys add more longer duration reading rewards? 10 hours a week is a bit too less. I read over 15 every week and feel like the rest 5 is a waste. It's tough to stop myself from not reading more than 10 for efficiency. Thanks

                        Hi, I was stupid and forgot that Korean characters lock up the Power Stone Vote. I have thus deleted them, but wow. I'm idiot. T_T

                        Please fix @Sunnnyy @CKtalon @WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL
                        So sorry, and thank you in advance!

                        This is what happens when I try to be too realistic and include Bangtan's full twitter account name. XDX

                        The contest story that's locked:

                        EDIT: And now I see that I'm off the charts too. >_< Ack, I really screwed myself over lol...

                          5 days later
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