Are we allowed to exceed 500 words?
Can we have multiple entries?
Thank you!

    i didn't wanna participate, that is, until i saw the prize, but now.............

    VUTful You can exceed 500 words. I recommend to do so actually.
    I'm not sure if multiple entries are allowed, but it doesn't say it's banned either. However, multiple entries is likely not going to improve any chances of winning since it's based on votes on a single novel, not accumulated. Additionally, updating more than one novel is more work too.

    wow,so cool.Unfortunately ,i m a bad at writing😭😭

      WHAT?!?!! Nani?! OMO?!? Ai Ya?! To Seoul?!!!! Dang it! Sign me up please! X'D
      Shoot, this makes me really motivated to write even more of my BTS novel; even though, I'm already doing daily updates. :joy:

        Chryiss :cry: Now I wish I did a BTS entry. Dang it! Dang it! Dang it! Not even my DVD version is going to console me :pensive:

        If you get the tickets, you have to share pictures.

        How do I see the ranking of the novels in the competition?

          Rynea Actually, Sunny did originally explain it before the post was modified for the competition continuing.

          But I also explained BTS futher to someone who asked the same question in this post: Chryiss

          Web Novel Novel Ask