Hi, could you please tell to the translator of "Low Dimensional Game" that what he calls "orc tribes" is wrong since they are composed of dogs, cats and whatnot
ps: I forgot what you call a being who are a mix of human and animals
Hi, could you please tell to the translator of "Low Dimensional Game" that what he calls "orc tribes" is wrong since they are composed of dogs, cats and whatnot
ps: I forgot what you call a being who are a mix of human and animals
Threetimess in robert Jordan's wheel of time series, orcs are described as monsters, giants shaped like a man but with animal features. Mostly pigs, but some cats and other animals. It's also notable that orcs are usually grunt soldiers in evil armys.
In the recent "I reincarnated as a slime?" Series, orcs kind of look like giant huminiod pigs. Still depicted as a ravenous army.
I think the translator was correct to use orcs as their common description is usually focused on their ravenous hunger, brutal stupidity, monstrous part human bodies and craving for human flesh and use as a basic evil army troop.
Rhueless This is an orc: https://www.google.com/search?q=orcs+picture&client=firefox-b-d&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiikuXntObhAhWFoXEKHWTMBrUQ_AUIDigB&biw=1920&bih=938#imgrc=7kpu7YHRb3hvDM:
I dare you to say that both look alike <___________________<