So as I've been writing a lot. My brain has literally gone into stand by. I didn't post a lot on here though but on wattpad I wrote well, I started eleven books. Some I will not be bringing here though but so far I only brought over two books I wrote. My sister was like I should just focus on one for the time being or I'll mix up the stories. I have no idea how you manage to do daily updates without internally dying especially when writing up to 3K or 4K words per chapter. I write that much too... like in the latest chapters of A Black Cat's Magic. (Obviously I didn't write that much in the beginning of the book) But anyway I take my hat off to those dedicated writers who manage to post on the daily.

    i only write 500 words per chap and it's already so tiring bwahahahahahah guess you gota unwind some. go out and drink some. smoke and get laid. but your 3k per chap interests me. bwahahahah will read your work later.

      There is something to be said for focussing on one book at a time. It takes energy to develop the plot and make something into an actual structured book. And I think it is good to aim for that so it can function as a book outside of WN later.

      CuriousGirlJNW I know what you mean. I only have three books just recently now, but I feel overwhelmed. Add on my rewrites, reviews and edits for others along with rl stuff and I’ve got a recipe for no sleep and sore fingers lol. I don’t know how people do it with 2-4k chapters a day across several books. I barely can do one a week at best.

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