BuruxXxRynna Oh that's nice maybe it can give you some inspiration. You're welcome.

- Jan 13, 2021
- Joined Jan 5, 2019
- Edited
BuruxXxRynna I have one but it's a bit of a gamble. It's called A Black Cat's Magic. I wrote it and it's a paranormal, fantasy, romance that contains well, some humour and sarcasm. (It also involves a lot of stupid questions in it from the main character who just happens to be a female lead named Alice). It's called A Black Cat's Magic but it's mostly about her. It is available on here and on Wattpad if you'd consider giving it a try.
It only has 45 chapters though excluding the special and is still being continued. I am just taking a break for now.
- Edited
xcares Well yes I am planning on becoming an actual author with a real book not just one online. I proof read and edit my own work though and sometimes I let my artistic side get the best of me I suppose. I was inspired by Roald Dahl as a kid and he used to invent his own words. That creativity I found inspiring well when I was a kid anyway. The book I wrote on this site however is a crack book so it was on the basis of fun and well my own dead humour I suppose. In the beginning it was pretty boring but it takes a bit of chapters to get into. I always change up the story. Sometimes I'm off track but sooner or later the story pieces together. I like skipping ahead sometimes and jumping back. Also sometimes I'm too descriptive with surroundings but I like the reader being able to see the scenery through my descriptions. So well maybe it's not that of a good book and perhaps it's not for everyone. I wouldn't recommend it for serious old folk but well I put everything even if it sounds silly into that book and as I grow as a writer I will improve. I started the book when I was in gr 12 anyway... each chapter was me growing as a writer and it improves as I push on.
xcares Oof the harshness... currently feel like an anime character being impaled by that statement... Lol I know you speak in general but honestly most books here are cliche although I have no idea what mine was I just wrote to have fun and I used my own funny and sarcastic humour that not many understand I suppose. Well it was fun...
neaht3 Yes well it could be bots not sure but I got power stones? Bots can give you stones? Welp I was just testing this site I'm mainly on Wattpad. I have two incomplete works here and 18 incomplete works there... Lol but I'm currently taking a long break cause I can't juggle all of them and also I can only write good content when I am really motivated and right now I'm not. I like giving readers quality not so much quantity. Best of luck to you too.
neaht3 welp I've been here for a year or two I think rarely though cause I'm mainly on Wattpad. I only transferred one work here that is currently on a stand still. After 45 chapters I decided to leave it be for a bit. From what I have noticed though is that I get way more reads here but I still have ghost readers although I have been getting some power stones sometimes, not much reviews. Mainly people adding it to their collection. Also I have noticed male readers read it more yet my main character is a female but perhaps it's the sarcasm and humour I included that captures their attention? Welp that's all I got from my observations.
- In Comics
Manga? Webtoon has tones.
- In random ideas
The avatar a gamer creates for their character in the game comes into the real world and knows nothing of life outside the game.
- In random ideas
Coffeegirl Hehe that sounds like me.
Veronica8 I don't know I just got here. Wait it's 2 years old apparently. Karen brought it up. No I'm kidding.
- Edited
I use Android. In terms of gaming I like my Minecraft Lmao and with that I realised most iPhone users struggle at getting converters for texture packs and have to do it manually since they can't access converter apps which is only made for Android so if you are a Minecrafter who wants PC texture packs Android is a great phone since PC to pe converters are available for it on the app store. Also there are so many apps you can download on the app store with great graphics like Dragon Jaja, Cyberhunter etc. PUBG is also available. I'm not sure if that apps are available for iPhone but the apps on play store are always accessible where as iPhone users can't download all the apps Android has on their store since Apple just bluntly doesn't have them. For mega gamers League of Legends Team fight tactics is available on the Android app store I'm not sure if it's available for iPhone and also League of Legends Wild Rift is coming out soon on the Android app store again iPhone is it available for you? I have already registered. So yeah Android is a pretty good phone if you ask me.
Yep... mine to... it's almost like that people with the data... if you store it then they like it expires in 6 days if you don't use it... but in this case it's 30 days...
So I've been working on this novel under my drafts... I'm sorry if it went to Shittake but my wrist hurts like hell. That's why I took such a long break. Hope it's okay... would have continued but my wrist is really sore from constantly typing.
Your Author JNW
TinyStitch I'm sure if it's your own works you can... mines here and on wattpad or example...
JacksonWalker Well, I guess everything in my case is a work in progress... but we getting there... hope you are too...
Veronica8 Thanks for the suggestion...
So I add this feature and it's a major help on figuring or piecing a story together... I think starsigns help immensely with creating a character and personality traits... does anyone have other suggestions on making a character description though?
Immovable087 haha...
So as I've been writing a lot. My brain has literally gone into stand by. I didn't post a lot on here though but on wattpad I wrote well, I started eleven books. Some I will not be bringing here though but so far I only brought over two books I wrote. My sister was like I should just focus on one for the time being or I'll mix up the stories. I have no idea how you manage to do daily updates without internally dying especially when writing up to 3K or 4K words per chapter. I write that much too... like in the latest chapters of A Black Cat's Magic. (Obviously I didn't write that much in the beginning of the book) But anyway I take my hat off to those dedicated writers who manage to post on the daily.
Rhisgol It's no use taking him seriously... but honestly his reaction is laughable and very childish like his username... Lol