WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL I really don't like how the chapter settings are being displayed half to 3/4th of a page on the android. PLEASE FIX IT BACK TO THE ORIGINAL HALF A THUMB LENGTH FOR CHAPTER DISPLAY SETTINGS WHEN READING.
Early bird entrance for the new Android Beta version! Ready for winning SS?
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL @WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL @Webnovel_Staff Any updates on fixing any of these bugs that we reported??
Hey there, if you haven't read "The billionaire's only love" go check it out...
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL I can't do a screen shot but the free novels arent being updated like it is suppose to be on recommended page
Using a Samsung android 10.1
When on the explore page. Click on novels. All that comes up is something went wrong and a black page.
Does not matter if reloaded, refreshed or restarted.
I have a screenshot, but it won't let me upload it here.
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did a clean phone swap from my s7 to s8 after backing up then doing a transfer of apps and data etc ... the apps worked ok, but I suddenly found 6-7 old novels back in my library that I'd deleted due to the still missing older chapters (and no Ck i haven't forgotten but UK paperwork takes a bit of time ) seems it finds old folders/ or hidden ones luckily they haven't noticed anything lost, but it was odd getting those novels back as it was a back up to was done before on a clean win 10 pro >then backed up > installed to the s8 , and it seems there must have been hidden folders with older data , i did fix by just deleting them again but not fully checked if i missing stuff
Not a bug but I would very much like a justified text align option where text is spaced to fill lines rather than left aligned, as is common in most paper books.
Also the menu that comes up after tapping the screen has a short delay before it slides into view. Thanks
@WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL I could not inbite friends. The new way is too confusing. Even after i received a code, i couldn't redeem the code.
hope they will bring landscape mode back...
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I have a Samsung S3. I am from Italy and usually use Wi-fi or the internet provided by my phone operator that is Iliad.
Here is what I think:
-I really enjoy the possibility to choose from many type of style when reading
-the night effect works better in this version, it's easier on the eyes.
-I like the fact that on top of the library there is the count of minutes you have been reading during the week
-the app won't let me rate the chapters.
-when the app is in use I can't regolate the brightness of the screen like I usually do on my phone. I know that I can do it in the options of the app but it was so much more convenient to do it like I usually did on the phone. It's faster.
-often when I'm in the library and press the icona to earn more rewards it doesn't work.
-there should be a limit or a regulation or something for how many times the same person can let a review on the same book. I found a book with a very high ranting. Later on I noticed that almost half to the reviews were from the same 5 people that always rated it 5 star. I don't think it's fair to let people rate so many times because they do it just to made more people try out the novel, and once you start reading for most of the people it's hard to give up even when it isn't that good. It's not different from when people reading a novel gives negative rating to the others near in the ranting to make it sink. It always falsified the real "value" of the book.
-Find ways to let readers earn more SS. I'm following 3 books, and often I have to jump chapters because I don't have enough SS. I even found unfair that the more you read the less rewards you receive, it should be the opposite.
-there should be written the number of SS you have on top of the library.
-explain better how to invite friends or use codes to receive SS. I tried, and I'm sure the other person logged in in the site, but none of us received SS.
This is all,
thank you for the hard work!
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There are some problems with brightness. Even when not in dark mode (which is great by the way), the brightness of the app is not the same of the phone. In some strange cases they become inverted, like when I tried to read this morning the cellphone was at the maximun, but the app was at the minimum.
Happenned while reading The Reincarnated Thief and The Path Towards the Heaven.
One example cam be seen below:
Samsung Note 8
Android 9
Wi-fi ( 400 MB )
PS: Funny enough, the brightness in the Comics work without problems
it is hard to invite friends since invites need apps o be approved some of my friends doesn't have a phone how could hey sign up and give me stones....
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL Hello Good day I have been a user #4303057355 since December 2018, I truly enjoy being able to read books once I download them but sometimes I have issues using the free SS to buy chapters, it would tell me I have zero balance or the tick wouldn't remove unless I come out of the book, close the app and redo it to buy the chapters or put it on unlock. The limited free reading section takes a while to refresh. Also when signing in whether I'm connected to mobile data or wifi I would have issues signing in.
Also I noticed sometimes when reading the chapters the background would be darker not sure if it's the issue on the writer's end. I hope there will be for features available for offline readers like me. I'm don't always have internet access.
My device is Huawei FIG-LX3, Android 8.0.0 (Oreo); EMUI 8. I'm from the Caribbean.
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Not here for the early bird thing since it's way past but there is an issue / bug about the new version.
I manually adjust the brightness as the 'system brightness' is too bright for me. It's fine when I am reading the novel. The problem:
- When I access the comments, the brightness is as per 'system brightness'
- When I exit the novel and it goes to home page, for a brief second, the brightness is as per 'system brightness' before it adjusts to my setting.
Info: Samsung Galaxy S7, Android 8.0.0, I use Mobile Data (4G) and I am from South-East Asia
from the start that i used beta it takes time to load for tue new updates but it is manageable. looking for more improvements
1. The bug is that the "use phone brightness" option does not work.
2.i cannot provide screenshots because I cant show my phone settings and webnovel setting in 1 picture.
3. I am using a Samsung galaxy s7 edge with the android 8.0.0 OS
4. I am on mobile data
5. I am in the United states
i just want to raise this concern regarding the night mode of the updated webnovel app. It seems to me that even if i already click the "night mode" -still the brightness is somehow very strong unlike the night mode before, which i actually don't had any problem with
to be honest, i prefer the night mode of the previous app actually becuase it's a total black and it doesn't hurt my eyes even if i read at night.....but sadly the new updated app doesn't have a good night mode
what can/should I do?