xWangan Thank you so much for these spoilers
Rebirth to a military marriage : Good morning Chief
I didn't really have the time to read it recently, and wanted to try to finish it all before writing more spoilers, so yeah. Didn't work out for me, so the lack of spoilers. Anyway, I'm at 2450, so not much until the novel is finished.
Wang Yang Redemption Arc:
Wang Yang, for better or worse, slowly changes. He's staying further away from the Wang family, most importantly, from his father. From what I understood, once, the Wang family wasn't happy about the result of the court case, so they wanted to make some trouble for Qiao Nan.
Wang Yang somehow got to know this, and after thinking a little, he asked his wife, Li something, to send it to Qiao Nan. Li something was suprised, but in the end did send Wang family's plans to MC's phone.
Qiao Nan showed it to Soaring, who said that this should be Wang Yang's try to ask for forgiveness, so that MC and Soaring let him off. Anyway, from what I understood, the Wang family couldn't do anything to MC, since Soaring started making some trouble for them before that.
After that, I didn't see any mentions of Wang Yang or his family. Maybe in the further chapters, but there aren't many left.
Qiao Nan's Dream Arc:
Soaring knew that something was weird with Qiao Nan for some time now. She would sometimes know some things that she absolutely shoudn't, and for some people, she would have feelings that he couldn't find any reasons to have them.
He asked her about it before, but she wasn't ready. Now, that their life is slowly getting more stable, Qiao Nan finally ended up talking to Soaring about it. I don't remember why exactly now, but yeah.
Anyway, Qiao Nan and Soaring had a long talk during the night, where she talked the story about her life, from Qiao Zizi's divorce, need of surgery, car accident, everything that happened in the dream and after. I think Soaring took it pretty well, but I feel like overall he didn't react much, just comforted MC?
Ding Mom's Sickness Arc:
As mentioned before, Ding Mom didn't let Qiao Zizi inside her house last time, when Zizi came back from the capital. Qiao Zizi thought that Ding Mom would slowly turn milder towards her and accept her back, but a week passed by and she still lived in a hotel.
Because of that, Qiao Zizi wasn't happy, so when Ding Mom went out to buy some food, Qiao Zizi found herself a locksmith, who changed the locks (Since zizi had a registration of residence there, or something similar, that confirmed for him that she lived there).
When Ding Mom came back, the locks were already changed, and Qiao Zizi opened up the door to her. Ding Mom obviously wasn't happy, but its not like she can throw her out, can she?
She decided to simply ignore her, and cook dinner for herself. After she did that, Qiao Zizi turned out of her room and took it away. Ding Mom only bought enough food for herself, so like last time, Zizi ended up with all the food while Ding was hungry.
Because of that, Ding later on would eat/cook food when Zizi was not there, and would force herself to eat everything she bought, so that Qiao Zizi couldn't freeload off her. She would often over eat, and once, it ended up with a food poisoning.
Qiao Zizi found Ding Mom, but she knew that if she took her to the hospital, as her relative, she would need to pay her hospital fees. Because of that, she ended up calling a neighbor to take Ding Mom to hospital, so that the neighbor could also call Qiao Nan, and have her pay the fees.
Qiao Nan got the call in the middle of the night and talked about it with Soaring, who told her to just go back sleep and he'll take care of it. He found an old veteran that used to be under him in the army and was in Pingcheng, and asked him to hire a nurse.
When Ding Mom woke up, the nurse was already there. MC paid a lot of money, so the nurse was pretty happy. But yeah, it's Ding Mom, it's not like she's just gonna keep quiet. She could figure out why Qiao Zizi gave her 'away' to the neighbor, so she was really unhappy.
After all, she had a husband, 2 daughters and 4 grandkids, yet nobody was there to take care of her.
Ding Mom wanted one of her daughters to take care of her, but she knew that with Qiao Zizi's attitude and abilities, it wouldn't work. Because of that, she wanted Qiao Nan to drop everything and take care of her. She asked the nurse to call her, but I think the nurse couldn't even find MC's number on Ding Mom's phone.
It ended up with the nurse calling the veteran, who told her to just take care of Ding Mom, pretty much something along the lines that 'as long as she doesn't die, it's fine'.
Qiao Zizi later came to the hospital and visited Ding Mom. Not sure if Ding Mom was just having her stupid time again, or if Qiao Zizi instigated her again, but her attitude towards the nurse was really bad. The nurse had a pretty good reputation and could easily find work for herself, so she ended up leaving.
Ding Mom just ended up complaining about Qiao Nan again. The veteran responsible for hiring the nurse passed the information to ML + MC, so Qiao nan ended up calling Qiao Zizi. She offered her 10 000$ a month for taking care of Ding Mom. Qiao Zizi wanted to get more money, but Qiao Nan just told her that she can find another nurse, so she agreed. Ding Mom wasn't happy of course, since she knew that even if Qiao Zizi tried, she had no idea how to take care of a sick person, but yeah, now it's too late to regret...
Chen bastards ending Arc:
It was some time now since we last saw Chen bastard. As mentioned a few times already, he was a bastard, and enjoyed sleeping with a lot of woman. Seems like one of them was a little special, since he ended up with AIDS.
One day, Chen Father + Chen Mother came to Qiao Zizi, and decided to give her custody of Chen Feng (or something like that, her son). Chen bastard was already sick, so he couldn't really take care of the child, while the rest of Chen family was already pretty old, and they didn't have much strength, or time, to take care of him.
Good thing that Chen Feng was already old enough to understand some things, and knew that his mother was pretty bad. I'm not sure how old he's now, but there were some talks about him wanting to go to a college abroad (he didn't, because he felt that he should take care of his grandparents), so yeah.
Anyway, Chen Feng also received a house/apartment in Pingcheng (a little bigger then the one Qiao Zizi used to own) from his family, so once Qiao Zizi caught wind of it, she moved over there, leaving Ding Mom alone again.
Qiao Nan's use of the Inheritance/business Arc(?):
Didn't really know how to call this Arc, since it's pretty long, but yeah.
I think there must have been a timeskip again somewhere in between, because Qiao Nan's children are now at the age when they can start going to school.
Anyway, Qiao Nan already received the inheritance Zhu father left her. There's a lot of money and some business in it, so Qiao Nan was thinking what to do with it.
One of her ideas was to I think build some retirement / nursing houses for older people. I'm not sure if this is a business thats going to earn her money, but I think we all can understand why she would do this (Lin Master from her dream, Zhu father this life etc...). Thanks to her, a lot of old lonely man can get some help. Pretty sure author even wrote an example here, and old man that used to be in the military, and his only son was in the army as well. He was pretty lonely, but he felt happy knowing that there were still people remembering them after they left the military and got old.
Qiao Nan's other idea about how to use the money, was to donate / sponsor schools. Schools in bigger cities were fine, but the ones in poor areas barely could provide anything for children, so Qiao Nan wanted to donate money to them.
One of the schools that Qiao Nan wants to help, is in Pingcheng, in a mountain area. She wanted to go over and look around the school for herself before donating money, and Soaring wouldn't let her just leave alone, so she ended up taking the kids as well (since they would feel scared if they suddently didn't see her for a long time).
Soaring's mother wanted to go as well, but in the end they (ML's father as well) had to stay in the Capital. In this life, they are already old, so their bodies couldn't handle traveling so much, and if they got sick, the capital had a much better healthcare than Pingcheng, so yeah.
On the way to the mountains, Qiao Nan and her family went back to ML's house in Pingcheng. Huahua and her daughter, Jiajia, were currently living there. Jiajia was mostly at school, so she only went back home on weekends. One of the reasons was that Huahua liked it there and the capital had worse conditions when it came to smog and other stuff, but she also thought that her parents would come back to live there, since they're pretty old. For now, they didn't really want to leave Qiao Nan's kids, so they didn't come back. Not sure if they will in the future.
Anyway, since she was back, Qiao Nan decided to visit some of her old neighbors and thank them for taking care of Ding Mom (last time with the hospital). Once she did it, she turned towards Ding Mom's home. If I understood it properly, Ding Mom didn't want to open the door for Qiao Nan, so one of the neighbors invited Qiao Nan to their home. Ding Mom heard it, so she instantly came out and called Qiao Nan inside.
Ding Mom's relation with Qiao Nan was bad, so MC didn't really want to stay inside for too long. She just spoke a few words, gave her some stuff/gifts and wanted to leave.
Ding Mom was feeling pretty lonely recently. Qiao Dad left for a few years now, Qiao Zizi was living in Chen Feng's house, and her neighbors didn't want to talk to her, so her life was pretty sad. Because of that, she wanted to talk a little with Qiao Nan.
She ended up asking about Qiao Dad again, but Qiao Nan just told her that it's her father's decision, and if he doesn't want to come back, she can't help it. Anyway, before Qiao Dad left Ding Mom, they already had a pretty bad relationship, but the only thing he still talked about with her was MC's kids.
Thanks to that, Ding Mom could use that as a topic to talk a little. Later on, Ding Mom wanted to see the kids (she thought that since Qiao Dad liked them, if she could be close to them, maybe he would forgive her / talk with her again), but Qiao Nan didn't want to let her come near them. She knew about Ding Mom's temper, so in the end she just showed her some photos and videos of the kids before leaving.
Later on, Qiao Nan, Soaring and the kids moved to a house on the mountain. They had to sleep together, since the kids would be pretty scared. Qiao Nan's daughter ended up waking up in the middle of the night, scared (since it was dark and she heard some sounds from the mountains for the first time, like wind and animals), so MC had to comfort her and use a flashlight to let her see her.
Anyway, the next day, Qiao Nan took them and went to the school. I think it only had a single teacher, the kids barely even had some pens to write, and the food wasn't enough for them to grow. Qiao Nan ended up, with the help of Huahua and some of her friends, buying them some materials, winter clothes (for their family/grandparents as well), medicine, a bunch of children's school supplies and textbooks.
Ding Mom Arc:
Ding Mom was slowly losing it. Living each day, alone, when even her neighbors despised her, she would at some point erupt. Qiao Nan could feel it after her last conversation with Ding Mom, so after a talk with Soaring, she decided to let Ding Mom move over to Qiao Zizi's old house.
Before, when Qiao Zizi had to sell her house, Soaring heard about it from someone. Knowing that the house truly should belong to Qiao Nan who paid for it, he ended up buying it. MC only got to know about it later on.
Using that fact, Qiao Nan now wanted to have Ding Mom move over there, hoping that a new environment, in which her neighbors won't be biased against her, could do her some good. I'm pretty sure Ding Mom wanted to cut herself off from her 'old worries', so she even ended up changing her phone number so that some people (Qiao Zizi) couldn't contact her.
Qiao Zizi Arc:
Qiao Zizi has been living in Chen Feng's house for some time now. As always, her life's priorities are messed up. Instead of thinking about her kid and how to compensate him her lackluster behaviour before, she starts thinking about how to milk him out so that she can live comfortably.
When Qiao Zizi 'accepted' Chen Feng's custody from his grandparents, she thought that they would give her some money each month to pay for Chen Feng's daily life, so she could use it for herself. However, Chen family had some experience on dealing with her, so knowing her, they decided to put all the money directly onto Chen Feng's hands.
The house was nice and all, but our princess Zizi needs to eat. When Chen Feng was at home, he would buy some food and cook, so both of them could eat it. However, for most of the time, he would stay in his school's dormitories, coming back once per 2 weeks.
When he's not there, there's nobody to take care of food for her. Ding Mom for most of her life wouldn't let her do any house chores, including cooking. After she married, Chen family had hired a housekeeper, so she didn't need to learn how to cook either. Now, with nobody to take care of her, she had an issue. Obviously, she wouldn't think about learning to cook now, right? She'd prefer to order takeout food, but that needs money, and she doesn't go to work.
Chen Feng wasn't giving her enough money for that kind of spending, so she wanted to take away some of Ding Mom's money. After all, Ding Mom was getting some money from Qiao Nan each month, and Qiao Zizi thought that her mother is already old, so she doesn't need it. Yeah, her logic coming out as always. Ding Mom already moved, so Qiao Zizi called Qiao Nan. They had an argument, and it ended up with MC telling her that from now on, it would be best if they treated each other as strangers, and that Zizi should not call her anymore, since she won't pick up anyway.
Chen Feng + Jiajia Arc:
Huahua's daughter, Jiajia (pretty sure that's just MTL, her real name should be diffrent), got into a college in the capital, so she moved together with Huahua to the capital, so the whole family was reunited.
I think there was a time skip somewhere in between, since Qiao Nan's children are already 5y old.
Chen Feng came to the capital to study as well. He's pretty diffrent from his mother, so when he came to the capital, he asked Qiao Nan to meet him and thanked her for all the care she showed towards him when he was growing up. After all, if not for her, and later his grandparents, he probably wouldn't be able to live through his childhood, since his parents are Qiao Zizi and Chen bastard .
Anyway, Qiao Nan talked with him for some time, told him to just be himself and not listen to other people's nonsense (Qiao Zizi). She also gave him her phone number, so that he can call her if he has some issues in the capital.
Later, he asked her about her kids. Chen Feng was truly curious about his little 'cousins', and since Qiao Nan could see that he was sincere when he asked about them, she showed him some of their photos/videos, and said that she wouldn't mind letting them meet in the future.
When he finally met the children, Jiajia (who btw. was a big sucker for the kids), was scared that his personality would be similar to his mother and he would treat the kids badly, so she came to the meeting as well.
I think here we get another time skip. Qiao Nan is already 50y old, Soaring is 55y old, while their kids are 10y old. Unfortunatly, but ML's parents died. The kid's grandmother just died, following after her husband who left 2y earlier.
On the 2nd day after ML's mother died, Qiao Nan got a phone call that Qiao Dad was dead as well. Also, as a funfact, I'll add it here: Chen bastard died 3 years ago.
Jiajia and Chen Feng just came back from studying abroad, so they split themselves between the funerals. Jiajia went to help Huahua and the rest of the family to prepare the funeral for ML's mother, while Chen Feng went over to help Qiao Nan with Qiao Dad's funeral.
Chen Feng and Jiajia turned out to be lovers. Before, thanks to their interactions with MC's kids, they were meeting more often, and slowly built some feelings for each other. Chen Feng was a pretty shy person, and was a little scared that he would mess up his friendship with Jiajia if he confessed and she rejected him, while Jiajia felt that the man should confess, so they ended up in a weird situation.
When they were picking college, they tactfuly picked up the same college abroad, and in the end even ended up renting a house together. Chen Feng was pretty popular with ladies, so quiet a few times some of them would confess to him.
Jiajia was slowly getting both tired and anoyed by this, so once she couldn't hold it anymore, and told the lady that was confessing, that Chen Feng was her boyfriend and they even lived together. From there on it went pretty smoothly, and now they are thinking about marriage.
Qiao Zizi, hearing that her son came back, wanted him to go and live in Pingcheng with her. He didn't approve of it, and his grandparents told him to stay in capital. Qiao Zizi got to know it, so she ended up asking him who's more important for him, her or the grandparents (suggesting that he should live in Pingcheng if he chooses her). Yeah, he didn't pick her. She was mad, but he just reminded her of who took care of him when he was younger, and that even if he has no feelings for her, he will still send her some money each month, so she doesn't need to be scared.
Later on, she had some ideas about moving to the capital and living with him, 'taking care of him', but he quickly kicked this idea out of her head.
Anyway, we've had another time skip. 4 years later (MC's kids are now 14y old), it's finally time for Jiajia's and Chen Feng's wedding.
Qiao Zizi was unhappy with her daughter-in-law. She was dreaming of having a weak minded daughter-in-law, that she could control and take advantage off. Jiajia, like her mother, was pretty fierce, so Zizi didn't like her, even more with her connection to Qiao Nan.
When Qiao Zizi arrived in the capital for Chen Feng's wedding, and saw his house, she wanted to convince him to dump Jiajia and live with him in that house. He told her that the house was paid 50/50 with Jiajia, and dragged her to an apartment he rented for her. If she wants to stay in capital, she can, but not with him.
During the wedding, Qiao Zizi tried to make some trouble for Qiao Nan, blaming her for Chen Feng's attidute towards her, but Qiao Nan pretty much ignored her, telling her that everything she does has its consequences.
Ending Arc:
And ladies and gentleman, we have another time skip. Qiao Nan is currently 65y old, Soaring is 70y old, while her children are already 25y old, from what I understood they are already out of college.
Chen Feng and Jiajia also have children now. Not sure about their gender, but their oldest is 7y old (Chen Peng), while the younger one is 4y old (Chen Xin).
This year, Soaring and Qiao Nan slowly left their house in the Capital, and moved back towards their ancestral home, so that they could spend the rest of their lifes in peace.
A year later, they've got a suprise visit from their children. Turns out they want to get married, all of them. Soaring was a little worried, since he didn't want them to force themselves to marry to fast for their sake, but they convinced him by saying that they were dating their counterparts for over 3 years now.
Well, Qiao Nan's daughter was. Her sons were dating for over 3 years, but not exactly staying with the same person for 3 years. Anyway, they took their time finding the right person, and in the end, they decided to get married at the same time, so that it wouldn't be to hard on their parents. They also decided to hold the wedding in the city that Qiao Nan and Soaring currently live in, so they wouldn't need to travel back and forth between capital and their home.
When Qiao Nan and Soaring later met their kids choosen ones, Soaring had a pretty good impression of his new daugter-in-laws and son-in-law. His only hope now is that the couples can have a good life, like he does with MC. Later on, their kids had their wedding and life continued.
And we have arrived at the end of the novel. Aside from that, there are some extra chapters, but I only skipped through them, so I'm not gonna write any spoilers for that. Anyway, there's a short story-like confession from Qiao Zizi, and a little longer, like 35 chapters long, story about ML's parents.
Thank you so much for this!
Thank you so much
Thank you so much
it's a serious spoiler.......nice job!!
Thank you so much for taking the time to write out all the arc summary!!
Wow thank you so much... I really appreciate your efforts...
I wanted to know how many chapters ( Privilege) have been translated for this novel
UnniSara21 599. You can find out the latest translated (privilege) chapter no. on the novel's page. Not sure if it is the same on the app, I'm on desktop.
ek123 Thank you for the info