Why was it changed... I hate the new dark mode..

It’s much brighter and that defeats the whole purpose of a dark mode. Please bring it back. It greatly affects the reading experience and it’s not as enjoyable.

I’m not even sure if this is where I should write this (first timer here) but anyway, I wonder what others’ thoughts regarding the new dark mode is?

    I think what's worse is that light mode is blinding (compared to library), so I have to use dark mode for the day, and I have nothing to use for night! Thanks for implementing anti-addiction measures! @Webnovel_Staff
    If you couldn't tell, that was sarcasm.

    Have a setting to use phones brightness and use it, the result you may ask?
    Webnovel app after the update, hold my beer I will change it when you read. Totally lost control of brightness. Please fix it at least that we can control it to something like before and/or add the old version as well.

    Also agree that the new dark theme is extremely bad, it doesnt accomplish its purpose at all. Its way too bright for a dark theme, and it should black or carbon at least.
    And we have 4 options for light theme, that is basic the same, with just a change in the tint and just 1 "dark theme".

    Thanks for the heads up. I won't be updating my app then. They should hire a UX guy before they roll out these changes.

    I just found a way to downgrade first uninstall webnovel then search uptodown and downlad old version and remember to turn auto updates off

      Agree the new dark mode is horrible, too bright even with all brightness at the lowest. The background color is a horrible grey instead of black or charcoal for clarity and battery saving. Also, ever since the beginning, the comments page is not at night mode like the reader. It's still bright white and it blinds after reading and clicking comments.

        I honestly do not mind the new dark mode, I honestly hated the previous dark mode as I could not see the text, even in the dark, and it had made me sleepy to where I could not finish the chapter, now that is possible, you have no idea how long I have been waiting for the dark mode to improve, Before, I had to use a third party app to darken the white screen, but now, that is no longer needed, thank you for fixing the dark mode. I hope it stays.

        I would like additional options for the dark theme though.

          Annexationz That’s weird, the comments section has always been white for me even with dark mode on (regardless of the update) was the comments section in dark mode before? 🤔

            Gsmith1030 I mean yeah maybe this shade is preferable for some readers, but it doesnt make sense to have multiple light (offwhite etc..) options and only one dark mode that isnt to everyone’s taste. Having both (old and new) shades would probably satisfy everyone.

            Aqura yeah the comments section has always been white. That's why it should synchronize with dark mode.

              They should provide a few theme options for all users phone or pc. I always read on pc and there isn't any theme options aside from the three (white, papyrus, black) when reading. So if you choose a dark background when reading then switch back to you library or any other page your hit with a blinding white web page.

              3 months later

              To get a true dark mode for iPhones go into “settings” and click on “general” and then “accessibility” then scroll to the bottom to “accessibility shortcut” and set it to “smart invert color” then you just need to click the home button or power button 3 times (depending on what iPhone you have) to switch colors, helps while reading, trippy if your doing anything else. There is probably and Android equivalent but I don’t use android.

                3 months later

                kingsquid Ooooo never knew about this! Thanks!☺️

                • Just tried this but it doesn’t seem like it works when reading novels on webnovel here 🤔
                  25 days later

                  Aqura sometimes I need to leave and enter the app again for it to work.

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