Can we also have a dislike button for comments. Because some comments don't deserve to be read especially when all it says is how it will drop an original novel that takes long to update. Like hello, either you read it or you don't, but it's a great story regardless. This is to show a bit of support as well to our authors. I mean, yes this may create a bit of discord. But with or without people reprimanding such actions, it's already present in some comment sections. This could also help people who post such things, to have a bit of self-awareness. That yes, webnovel wants us to read good readings, but webnovel is also aware of the struggles of authors who also help them get their income.

    The updates are great and all🙂 but I have an android and none of my coins for about a month I haven't been getting my coins.😢 I do my daily log in and everything else but my coins are never added to my account😤😡😠

    Hey you can increase the fast pass in bonu because is difficult to read other novel because is have only 1 fast pass for check in so l don't like it and l like old version through .

    jiangHui on the other hand it could be misused as well.

    You're suggestion is a good one.

    Another idea, I've been asking for comments moderation for a long time now. Author can filter what they want to make visible on their posts.

      Veronica8 Dislike button sounds good, but just like with reviews, I don’t think authors should be able to delete comments. Ofc, spam is an issue, but plenty of authors leave the 5 star spam, and the good, critical views either get deleted or buried. Literally everything would be solved if only a single, editable, review was allowed.

      Oh, but a cool idea came to my head. It’ll be kinda cool to see reviews under one user all gathered together, like first impression, version 2/second review as more content is released and read, etc. Then the most recent rating of their would be applied, but people passing by could see how opinions change over time, and how the author improved. This would be more difficult to implement, but it would be fun to see on some writing platform one day.

      a month later

      mihaita98 yeah, its pricey already and they only give u 3 fast pass in every check in made. Unlike before we can still read at least 3 to 5 novels in our library. Now only 1 sometimes cant finish.

      LaneYu_F nah, what get more and read more. How to achieve that?ony 3 fast pass in every check ins per day. Can not finish even one novel.

      11 days later

      Ali_z2 yeah i miss that it used to do it but then some idiot got the idea to stop it

        18 days later

        WTF!!!?? I was busy so couldn't use my fast pass.. Now all of them is expired???!!!! I can't even purchase it more then once a day with those stupid points... And we only get 3pass/day..!!!!! This is so f'kin stupid... Just close the entire app down if you're so desperate to bash your own app🤬😠

          Hi, the farming for points system has disappeared from settings after the lates update. It's getting more difficult to read chapters comfortably due to lack of enough fast pass. Bring back the old coin system or improve the options on fast past, I have points but using them is another issue.
          Bring back the farming system.

            Some narrow-minded person blocked my webnovel application.
            First things first I prefer my computer based webnovel. There are reasons why my mobile or tablet apps is not convenient for me. But computer based is not supported.
            Mobile app is forced.
            And now it is blocked because I HAVE TO GIVE PREFERENCES. But I am not able to give preferences because no one cares about MY preferences. Webnovel narrow-mindness cares only about their preferences. Gender based is on the 100th position and now I have to choose. I choose neither so I am blocked from using mobile app.

            So if I am blocked let that be. I cannot not choose because I am forced to choose but have no choice since neither choice is applicable. So I have to stop using webnovel?

              I dont like the fast pass at all.. no coins at all? Tsk!!!!

              5 days later

              I'd also go back to a one currency for web novel.
              I would convert the fastpathes to 20 coins each.
              A user would get 60 coins for the fastpathes.
              Also I would revamp the store.
              I would change the two fastpathes one for 1000 and the other for 2000 points, into buy upto two fastpathes a week at a price of 1500 points each.
              If coins should be coins or spirit stones I can't really say. But the Stones were a iconic feature of webnovel.

              Web Novel Novel Ask