A novel about agriculture, farming, new technologies and magic.

Overall assessment of the story if to be objective:

Writing Quality - 2 stars
Stability of Updates - 4 stars (3-4 times per week from 500 to 3000 words for one chapter)

Story Development - 4 stars
Character Design - 3 stars
World Background - 3 stars

Overall result: Who wants to learn new things about farming and about the world after the Cold War, who is interested in the first place content, can be sure that he/she will not waste his/her time in vain.

Tags - Farming, Cooking, Health, Folk Medicine, Magic, History

But there is a lot of intimate information about rural agriculture and the way of life of farmers and residents of Small-AN.

Small-AN is a principality known since the days of the TAN Empire. Located in Asia. Close cultural ties with Persia, China and Russia.

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