Question....with the Trial Marriage Husband novel ending event.
Can we use the novel-free coupons to unlock the privileged chapters of other novels​?
Question....with the Trial Marriage Husband novel ending event.
Can we use the novel-free coupons to unlock the privileged chapters of other novels​?
No. But if you have purchased Privilege, the chapters available from Privilege will be free to read with the use of the novel-free coupon. Note, it's not an unlock. It just allows you to read for free. So after the coupon expires, the chapters shown to you by Privilege will be locked again.
sorry for interrupt.
' '
yansusustories xygard not sure if this info (in Rules) will answer your question.
yansusustories it is also in website version. you need to click the "Rules" on top of it.
only hard to see as small size box and need to scroll it.
What if i want to redeem for the novel whose chapters are still to it viable
rituagr56899199 The coupons will expire after 30 days, so you can hold the coupons for 30 days, and then use it when it's out?