takeshi_zaizen WN will not probably let other sites translate this. Since nobody will pick this up, should we just suggest to put this in Premium and buy SS to read it. That is option number two. Either we hire through Patreon or buy SS...
Martial arts master being abandoned??
Get it premium I guess is the best way. First it will translate and we just wait. Cause after many weeks it will be free and it will cost us nothing lol. It's better waiting a premium novel to finish than waiting a dropped novel. Well if you can't wait then become a patreon than will saves you time LOL
takeshi_zaizen Erm... There is no more free daily premium chapter. Perhaps you also have been hiatus/dropped webnovel too. Lol.
MasterRabbink of course we will buy SS. Pay with SS every chapter. Just to have this novel continue.
Still no update. See you next yr LOL
@[deleted] @Webnovel
Can we get some update on this? Are you guys even trying to find a new translator? because its been 6 months without a single peep from your side. You also mentioned that the inhouse translators will fix the updated chapters while we wait for the new translator, but i've read it all over again, and i KNOW all the same old mistakes are still there.
Let's be honest here, at least give us an update rather than leaving us blind and groping in the dark. If your degenerate bosses think that MAM isn't generating enough cash flow so its not worth finding a new translator then fine, just tell us so we can stop hoping, or make a pledge to pay up or something.
New year's coming but the update on MAM is still not coming LOL
Make MAM premium!! ( We're probably the only ones who is pushing for a novel to become premium. Crazy but you know.. desperate measures.)
How long do we wait for the completion of translation of this novel?
The Novel only have 700+ chapters and you can't finish its translation?
Wow, just wow
Visit Babelchain and u can translate any chapter if you have the raws. The translation is better than google translate.
I am willing to read anyone's book if they promisetoread mine and leave a review. My story is about the journey of a soul and a bunch of other souls that escape from the void and couses a bunch of problem. The story follows one souls life as he inevitablyleads the world to uncertainty. https://www.webnovel.com/book/15094015305771305/Unusual-world