
Pfft I am nowhere near an angel hahaha. Just looking for something to do is all. You sound like a nice person, I hope to work with you too! <3

    Author- Eslyna
    Title- Soul Cultivation: Heaven's Drug Dealer
    Link- https://webnovel.com/book/14522746105629905
    Request Type- Type B (c2-6 {would say c1 but its prologue so very short}), perm too if possible

    Additional Comment- If its mostly bad comments, I'll appreciate if u trash me on forums or gmail instead so it doesnt make me lose readers when I fix them in future, ty for your free service

      3 months later

      Author's Name: DoaistBlackSheep
      Novel Link:https://m.webnovel.com/book/13551053205218405
      Request Type:Temporary edit type B.
      Review Chapters: 1-3
      I have been in need of an editor. I thank you for your service if you do choose to look over my story. I have heard my readers tell me the first chapter is wonky. I know it is, but not sure to to fix it. Any feed back would be good. Have a great day.

        Author's Name: Wayward_Scholar
        Novel Link: https://www.webnovel.com/book/15210648305420705/Beyond-The-Primordials
        Request Type: Review
        Review Chapters: As many as you'd like (Up to 5 is okay, if you like it how about all 14!)

        Hi! If your service is still open I would be glad if you gave my novel a look over. I want to see how my first 5 chapters are doing in particular since those are probably the most important chapters for grabbing readers!

        Thanks in advance! :)

          Author's Name: _escapist
          Novel Link: https://www.webnovel.com/book/13849411906728605
          Request Type: Temporary Edit: Type B
          Review Chapters: first 5 chaps

          I'm a student and have no time to edit, you are a blessing! <3 Hope you will take my request into consideration, thank you so much <3

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