how long wil it take before it's done?

    What am I supposed to write in the topic category? How does it differ from synopsis?

      How I can acceess the ranking menu?
      I didn't see it anywhere

        what i hate about fan-fic is the fact that most of them are dropped and the authors are unable to sustain the story most of the time so if possible such stories\authors who are unable\dropped should just be erase cause its just annoyance

          banini Sometimes writing fan-fic is harder than writing an original novel, cause if you do it right you will have good fan-fic, but even slightest mistake could ruin the entire story and make it just some non-sense without any purpose... I personally dropped my novel Darkness of the Legends precisely because of that...

          Threepwood Log
          It's day four since the Fan-fiction section became desolated. My rations are getting low now. What I wouldn't give for some freshwater. Fruit, maybe! Something to fight off the scurvy. And Bananas!

          ...Arrgh, why do I torture myself like this?! Webnovel won't fix the Fan-fiction section. It's all desert here now. I might as well wish for a chicken and a big barrel of grog for all the good it will do me.

          Oh, my sweet Elain. Am I destined to starve out here in the desert? Destined to never again browse through a list of fan-fictions from the comfort of my computer? Destined to never again read fan-fiction at again?

            The fanfictions on the site are still there and can still be read. It is just that they don't show up when browsing anymore. So if you were already reading one, you can keep reading it. Also, you can search by name if you already knew the name of the story you want to read. So, not all hope is yet lost.

            If you want a fic to tide you over while webnovel works on fixing their stuff, I can shamelessly recommend my own fanfiction which I wrote for novel Release that Witch, also on this site. It is completed and over 100k words, so it could fill your need for a little while. The name of my fic is called A Helping Hand.

              What do I do because of this problem I wasn't able to publish the new chapters of my book..?

                Does China not beta test without total implementation? Over a week, and still no timeline, or updates on when fan-fic is back. It feels they rolled out an alpha stage idea, and are still trying to make it work live, instead of a small portion of beta testers.

                4 days later

                Arunavazael yeah..
                But you still can find them.. but its hard.. they need either have rank.. or you know the book name..
                Its better when they didnt make this acg section tho.. πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…

                  Arunavazael yeah..
                  But you still can find them.. but its hard.. they need either have rank.. or you know the book name..
                  Its better when they didnt make this acg section tho.. πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…

                    Cool... cool... but what about the dropped ones???
                    Really... is super duper annoying sad and revolting when you finally find a nice fic/original and then bam, the author goes MIA. Or worse, abandon the novel and start another. Or you get to the last chap to find out there’s been no updates... for 6 months+
                    I do get giving authors freedom and all... but a way to at least incentive them to finish what they start would be nice. Like being able to write only one novel at time or being penalized for dropping a work.
                    Also... can’t you create a porn category? Those highly sexual fics tend to drown the rest. Just put a adult tab and dump them all there... just so you know... to make it easier to find the non delusional virgin wet dreams ones...

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